Page 14 - Kingdom News Edition 3
P. 14
Testimony of Dexter Green
When I was asked to share my me perform oral sex on him pline me by making me sleep
testimony the first thing that when I spent the night at his in a mini closet instead of in
came to mind was, BUT GOD! house. I felt lost and as I grew my bed. My mom never told
That is where I am right now in up I began to have random sex me she loved me and she al-
my life, serving God, but let me with men with the hopes they ways would call me things like
go back to the beginning of my would love me. The threat of dumb, stupid, and would also
life and share many of the HIV entered my life, but God beat me. A resentment against
things that manifested in my healed me. my parents formed.
life in order to get me to this
place. The journey was a rough My relationship with my par- Not only did my parents men-
one, but like I said before… ents wasn’t strong, my father tally abuse me, but I remember
BUT GOD! would mentally abuse me as in my teens, my uncle would
well as physically abuse me by purposely pick fights with me
My life was traumatically beating me with construction and then he pulled a knife on
changed at the age of five years sticks; so, when these things me threatening to kill me. I
old when I was molested by my were happening, I couldn’t go was degraded daily and at
male cousin. Then from the ag- to him. The abuse of my father some points I just wanted to
es of six to nine, my other male intensified, he would punch me give up on life, but there was a
cousin violated me by making at times and he would disci-