Page 18 - Kingdom News Edition 3
P. 18

ow     did    I    get      See when one is homeless there        Have you ever had a dream, a
                  here?  Wow, this is a      are  several  stereotypes  as  to     passion, a business venture that
                  powerful      question     why  one  may  be  living  on  the    you  moved  out  in?    One  that
       H   the  answers  are                 streets  or  panhandling  to  get     you were willing to put it all on
       endless  depending  on  the  jour-    money, but everyone has a sto-        the line and say all or nothing,
       ney  you are  on in life.  People     ry.    Now  don’t  get  me  wrong,
       may  ask  them  this  question  in    even  though  there  are  stereo-
       times  of  great  favor  and  suc-    types  such  as  drug  addictions,
       cess,  just  in  awe  at  how  God    alcohol  addictions,  prostitution,
       has truly blessed them; howev-        etc. we have to know that God
       er,  on  the  other  hand,  people    has a plan for these individuals
       may  ask  themselves  this  ques-     as  well  and  that  instead  of
       tions  while  they  are  at  a  low   shaming  them  for  the  things
       point in their life.  We as a peo-    they  know  deep  inside  aren’t
       ple have several highs and lows       right,  we  need  to  show  them
       throughout  our  lives,  which  is    love  and  encourage  them  that
       how we are strengthened within        there  is  so  much  more  in  life
       and  also  how  we  can  develop      available then these current situ-    just  because  you  believed  in  it
       our   relationship    with    our     ations  being  displayed  in  their   so  much.    Well  that  was  the
       Mighty God!                           life.    In  addition  to  love,  hope   case  with  this  one  couple.
                                             has to be shared and those who        There  was  a  husband  and  wife
       This  question,  “How  did  I  get    have  overcome  these  same  cir-     team who had a dream of being
       here?”  can  be  applied  to  many    cumstances  can  share  the  hope     an    Owner/Operating       Cross
       areas  of  our  lives  and  can  be   by    sharing    their    testimo-    Country     Trucking      compa-
       asked by everyone.  In a recent       ny.  Hope is a powerful tool that     ny.    This  couple  invested  their
       conversation  with  Pastor  Joe       goes  hand  in  and  with  faith  to   entire life savings into purchas-
       Malat  from  His  Throne  Minis-      promote change.                       ing their big rig and began their
       tries, we  were  discussing  some                                           company.  Well the funds they
       of  the  stores  of  people  he  has   Let’s look beyond these stereo-      had  were  only  enough  to  pur-
       encountered in his 20 plus years      typical  examples  of  why  one       chase the rig, but did not leave
       of  serving  the  homeless  in  the   may be  in a  state  of homeless-     enough  funds  to  purchase  ade-
       city  of  Little  Rock.    Many  of   ness.  As Pastor Joe was sharing      quate insurance.  Well, fate hap-
       the  stories  were  amazing  and      some  of  the  stories,  I  was  in   pened and their truck caught on
       actually sparked the passion and      complete amazement.  Let’s ex-        fire.  This was their life savings
       background to this very article.      plore deeper.                         going up in flames and they had
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