Page 21 - Kingdom News Edition 3
P. 21
Prophetess Kendria Moore
T handle your anointing and push
his will be a year of
you and encourage you to your
comeback, not only will
destiny’s purpose. This will be
you comeback, but you
will overcome every-
whom God will use to get His
thing that has previously held you the season of “The Nobody’s,”
bound. There will be so many glory. He will use people “like
doors of opportunities that you did you,” who don’t want to be seen
not even qualify for. I see God in the forefront. It will be the in-
mentioning your name behind dividuals who just want to serve
closed doors and rewriting your Him. I see a financial wave of
resume. He is divinely confirming blessings hovering over the Body
your next level and this time you of Christ only for those who have
will not turn back. I prophesy that plish, will only take you a few the faith to believe this word.
you will gain all that you’ve lost months to accomplish. I prophesy This will be a financial wave that
last year back this year, with inter- that an overnight success will not the government authority will not
est and that your cup will finan- only know your name, but that it be able to touch or override. It
cially run over. I hear God saying, will meet your name in the atmos- will be money coming from the
that this is the year of bigger, all phere. People who thought that North, South, East and the West.
things will be bigger! Nothing will you would need them in the past This will be the year that you will
be impossible! I see your current are going to need you in the pre- pass every unexpected test. You
situation making you and not sent. God is about to prophetically will leap over the unexpected
breaking you. It will make you the turn the tables and switch your po- storms and will come out strong-
head and not the tail, above and sition overnight. Uncommon favor er than ever before. I prophesy
not beneath, strong and not weak. will find you in the next 3 days greatness, happiness, love, finan-
I see favor dropping on you in and it will literally overtake you cial increase, peace and joy! And
pounds and I see God overriding beyond your own imagination. I this year alone, I prophesy that
the final outcome. Unstoppable prophesy that your time of arrival God will restore! ■
favor will find you, and it will be is now! In fact, God is preparing a
the kind of favor that is unseen. grand entrance for you to enter in
Things will also turn in your favor the presence of your enemies.
and people will know that it was They will be set before you at a
nobody but God! I see your unspo- prepared table witnessing all that
ken prayers being answered; be- God has done and will do for you!
cause you thought it, God is going God is the one who will make
to make it happen for you! What your name great! You will not
took others 15 years to accom- have to join a platform that cannot
Kingdom News Magazine—March 2017 Volume 3 ~ Page 21