Page 17 - Kingdom News Edition 3
P. 17
wholeness and grace and mercy and joy
The two people who had brought me into and peace that surpasses all under-
this world were not available to me, so I had standing. Then he led me to share my
to find alter-native ways to cope. Inside of story around the world of his redeeming
my 22-year crack cocaine addiction I gave love. I love that God is not a re-specter
birth to five children; three of them addicted of persons and has a love that is for all.
to crack. In addition to this, I also gained So today, I stand here before you a
some legal problems and found myself on woman who has been changed physical-
the way to federal prison for the third time. ly, mentally, and spiritual-ly. I am now an
Life seemed to be hopeless with no way out overcomer. I'm more than a con-queror
and no direction. It was at this deepest, and I can do all things through Christ Je-
darkest point in my life a light would some- sus. I am privileged to tell the world that
how shine into the depths of hell and lead they, too, hold these characteristics, that
me to a place of peace, love and joy I had is just how our God is — walk in your
nev-er known before. How did I discover overcoming power today!
that light? I, Sheila Jean Robinson, did the
unthinkable and unspeakable - I cried out to Today, I have the honor to travel around
a God that, in my mind, I knew would never the country ministering to those who are
be a way he would ever answer my cry. in the place I once was. God has grant-
How could he? I was someone who was ed me the op-portunity to be the founder
filthy and unloving as a moth-er, who aban- of One Way Up Ministry. The work of
doned her children, I was a daughter who this ministry allows me to share my tes-
had left her mother alone during her fight timony with those in bondage, showing
through a terminal illness, and I believed them they also can be and already are
that I had be-
come every-
thing that I was
told God hated!
However, at 3
o'clock in the
morning with
my heart in my
hands, I cried
out in the name of Jesus. He heard my overcomers and beat anything coming
cry and immediately began to soothe my to derail their lives. Even though I may
soul with his love. I had never expe- not have had a relationship with my fa-
rienced this level of love before. Some ther in my early years, I did get to know
would call this a supernatural experi- more about him as an adult. My gift of
ence, while others would say that it song is from him and I share this musical
couldn't have possi-bly happened. But gift as I travel. My life has changed dra-
by the grace of God, I am here to tell you matically for the better. God has allowed
there couldn't be a greater truth in my life me the ability to reunited with my chil-
than that truth that happened to me at 3 dren and blessed me with a wonderful
o'clock in the morning at the Bryan Col- husband.
lege Sta-tion Federal Prison. When God
himself wrapped his loving arms around I just want you to know, don't put limits on
me and said "come unto me my child and God, because with Him we can conquer this
I will give you rest." He began to lead world we live in. ■
me down a path of righteousness and
Kingdom News Magazine—March 2017 Volume 3 ~ Page 17