Page 20 - Kingdom News Edition 3
P. 20
Today I find myself in a place where so many was running from God’s word and calling to
have been forgotten. Love ones walked away, do his will. I heard God!!! I just couldn’t pull
friends wrote them off, the world wrote them away from my mess. I would talk to God
off as if no importance. about it, but something had a hold of me and it
was trying to kill me. I sat in jail for six months
My name is Kendrick Thompson; I’ve now without being charged, but yet God was work-
been incarcerated over the last twenty-one ing on my change. I late went to trial and
years. While being incarcerated I come to have should have been set free, but my pride got in
a real relationship with God. I now know that the way and I didn’t listen to God. I could only
my life is not my life. hear the world talking, yet I thought I had the
It’s so sad how one has hand of God on me.
to hit his face on the When I entered the
ground before he can Arkansas Depart-
see who God really is. ment of Correction, I
Before I came to prison, said if I have to do
I was in church but I this time, I will live
didn’t have God in me. for God doing it. I
I would ride around in have given my all to
my car drinking and God and he’s been
listening to gospel mu- good to me. I could
sic, smoking and get- go on and on, but I
ting high. I could tell will leave you with
you about God, but couldn’t show you the God this. Jeremiah 29:11, “For I know the thoughts
in me. One night I had gotten off work and that I think towards you, saith the Lord,
went to my mother’s house. I had a thirty pack thought of peace, and not of evil, to give you
of beer and a pack of cigarettes and as I laid an expected end.” This scripture has been
down on my mother’s porch and cried out to keeping me. ■
God, asking him to change me and to take
away the life I was living. Now please don’t
forget I was in church and loved the Lord, but I
wasn’t sold out to God. A few weeks later, be-
fore I could think, I was sitting in jail.
Let me back this thing up a bit. Let me say I
Kingdom News Magazine—March 2017 Volume 3 ~ Page 20