Page 6 - Kingdom News Edition 3
P. 6

When asked if she had anyone to assist her in this new     with the word of God.  The two Main Conferences are
      Christian walk, and show her how to get closer to God; her   Pretty Preachers and 911 Women’s Conference.
      answer was sadly not surprising.
                                                                 •  911 State of Emergency Women’s Conference focuses
      “At first there was no one. Returning to church, the women    on reviving people who are on spiritual life support.
      treated me like a “jezebel” on assignment and the men saw
      an opportunity to “prey” on me instead of “praying” for me.   •  Pretty Preachers Conference focuses on the inner beau-
      I know now that was an assignment, a distraction and a set-   ty of Women given by God. Despite their ugly past,
      up  from  the  enemy  to  try  and  stop  me  from  going  to   God see the beauty he places in each of us and can still
      church.”                                                      use you to reach others.

      Less  than  a  year  later,  attending
      another  church  in  LA,  Danielle                                                Please  check  out  her  website,
      connected with the assistant Pastor                                     
      and  his  wife.  They  didn’t  care                                               itinerary,  for  conference  dates
      about her past and wanted to help                                                 and locations.
      her in her present and future.  That
      is exactly what Christ does. Only                                                 Truly  amazing  is  the  redemp-
      the devil tries to keep you in the jail                                           tion, restoration power of God,
      of your past. Although they were                                                  and  our  Savior  Jesus  Christ.
      accepting of her and were willing                                                 Though  the  enemy  tried  and
      to  help  her,  but  in  order  for  the                                          tried  again,  he  could  not  snuff
      work to be completed it had to be                                                 out  the  life  of  Danielle.    Even
      Danielle and Jesus. Though some                                                   after salvation, he can never stop
      of  the  other  members  of  that                                                 a person’s destiny until they stop
      church  were  not  as  inviting  and                                              following  God.    Nothing  can
      gave Danielle trouble; she was de-                                                stop  a  Truth  believer  (God’s
      termined to live for God. Growing                                                 Word and Calling) that upholds
      up in LA and the reputation of her                                                her or his vow to the Lord.
      past still looming; Danielle didn’t
      care about what people thought of
      her. She praised God anyway.

      What  is  Evangelist  Danielle
      doing now?

      Although  she  travels  and  preach  the  gospel,  Evangelist
      Danielle also is a mentor. She helps and mentor young girls
      that have been abused or raped, who are fatherless or moth-
      erless. She encourages them to help others as they have sur-
      vived for this reason: They can help someone out of their

      As an Evangelist, she preaches the gospel straight, no chas-
      er.  No watered-down church lingo to ensure the mother
      board is not offended. People need to hear that there is a
      Savior, a God that is not afraid to go to the depths of their
      filth to pull them out and rescue them.  He did it for Dan-
      ielle even when she subscribed to “hypo-Christianity”.

      Her ministry, A New You Ministries, focuses on the youth,
      but also deal with those who are victims of the streets and
      sexual abuse. Based out of Atlanta on assignment, she has
      conferences to empower, educate and equip other women

                                Kingdom News Magazine—March 2017  Volume 3 ~ Page 6
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