Page 4 - Kingdom News Edition 3
P. 4
An Interview with Evangelist Danielle Williams-McCord
Often in Church testimony services, you would hear someone say “I thank God that I don’t look like what I
been through”. Though I personally have heard many times in my life; it is a constant reminder of the re-
demptive, restorative power of Jesus Christ. Though they have been through some of the most horrible expe-
riences in this world, God’s mercy and preserved them. Evangelist Danielle Williams-McCord’s life is one
whose experience, conversion, and ministry exemplifies the power of God’s salvation plan.
Evangelist Danielle’s Testimony: they were very close and she saw him as her hero; she saw a
Dysfunction and Fractured Innocence different side of him. One day she got in trouble at school.
He took her home and beat her until she passed out twice.
vangelist Danielle He tried to physically rip her tongue out and tried to drown
would tell people that her in the bathtub. She never received any help or counsel-
the short version of ing to cope with this. She would later learn that he was diag-
E story is in her nosed with Schizophrenic/Bi-Polar Disease on top of being
book, From Porn To an alcoholic. For the next two years, Danielle was bounced
The Pulpit. Also, she would tell from family member to family member, and finally went to
people that before she was a live with her mother in Los Angeles, California.
porn star, before she was a strip-
per; she was this little girl grow- At the age of 12, a family friend invited her into his house
ing up in a dysfunctional house- across the street from her mom’s house. She accepted be-
hold. She was born to parents cause this was someone she had seen around the family and
that were very abusive toward saw nothing wrong with going over to his house. However;
one another. When her parents on that fateful day, that family friend raped her. As she al-
divorced, her mother left her to be raised by her dad. Her ways did, Danielle never told anyone and swept it under the
father, though a great daddy, was a horrible man. His rug and life went on. One year later she met an older man,
womanizing and abusive behavior shaped Danielle’s view who was pimp. She had sex with him one time and got preg-
of how men should treat women and how she was to deal nant. Thirteen years old and scared, she kept her pregnancy
with the events that would occur in her very near future. In secret for six months, but she decided to keep her baby.
between working and dating different women; Danielle’s During the pregnancy, she endured abuse and received no
dad would take her to a babysitter. There she had her first prenatal care; which caused her to go into premature labor.
encounter of molestation. Her babysitter’s teenage son took She gave birth to a son who passed away in her arms. This
her into his room and molested her when she was 8 years was a tipping point for her. All the hurt of abandonment,
old. He threatened to hurt her so she would not to tell any- pain of abuse, and shredded innocence of molestation and
one. An abuser’s objective is to instill fear in their victim rape came boiling to the surface of her heart and in the wake
so they cannot say anything. Eight-year-old Danielle was of her baby boy dying in her arms, she could no longer sup-
so fearful, she never told her dad or her babysitter what press it. The 13 year old that entered the hospital; was left
happened. This went on for two years. there and someone else emerged.
Now, a defiant and angry Danielle was in control. No adult
At the age of 10, her dad was everything to her. Though