Page 30 - Knots and Splices (1st Edition)
P. 30

KNOTS & SPLICES BK5.0  1/21/06  11:03  Page 29

             36                                                 38a

             37                                                 38b

            36 SHEEPSHANK                37 LARK’S HEAD or COW HITCH
            The Sheepshank is a rarely used,   The Lark’s Head or Cow Hitch is a
            but potentially very useful knot  good knot to use when the load will
            indeed. It has the effect of shortening  be carried on both parts. It is used
            a rope and is commonly regarded as  most commonly to attach baggage
            being for that purpose, but its real  tags or key labels and is structurally
            importance is in providing a way of  the same as the Bale Sling (73).
            bypassing an area of damage in a
            line. It will fall apart unless tension   38 TWO HALF HITCHES
            is maintained on the two ends, but  Two Half Hitches can be used to
            while that is done, the section of line  hitch a line temporarily to a ring, post
            across the middle can actually be   or dockside loop. The two hitches are
            cut right through and the sheepshank  put on in the same direction (38a) so
            will remain intact. This makes it   that, when worked tight, they form a
            possible to use a chafed line until   Clove Hitch (41) about the standing
            it can be renewed. If that will not   part (38b).
            be for some time, then additional
            security can be created by seizing
            the two ‘ears’ to their respective
            standing parts.

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