Page 17 - NFRCAnnualReport2017
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What We Do continued
Our Financials
NFRC is lean and financially strong. It NFRC’s successes in these areas show
has no loans or long-term debt. We have that our current initiatives are strengthening
increased our cash reserves, and our our organization and allowing us to move
resilience led to exceptional financial forward. Our strong financial standing
performance. Moreover, NFRC voluntarily positions enable us to create more value
conducts an annual independent audit. for our members by increasing our ability
While this is not required, it is good to take mission-related risks, and to absorb
Our consensus based governance and provides some or respond to temporary changes in our
environment or circumstances.
important benefits, including:
process relies on
our stakeholders’ Building our reputation as a credible, Financial information for the following years may
transparent organization
expertise in science, Providing our stakeholders insight into be accessed using these hyperlinks:
engineering, and our internal processes — ensuring our FY 2014
controls are strong, clear, and documented
technology to Affording protection against data breaches FY 2015
continue providing
value. These key performance indicators FY 2016
speak to our strengths:
2017 annual audit scheduled for May 2018.
Program Expenses
NFRC 72%
For every $1.00 raised, 72 cents goes to
supporting programs.
Cash Reserve
NFRC’s cash reserve is more than four times
the industry standard.
success through intention 17