Page 14 - NFRCAnnualReport2017
P. 14

What We Do continued

        commercial procedures. The active task    The task group has continued to move at
        groups continued to evaluate programs     a fast and productive pace. The task group
        and procedures within their scopes.       volunteers have aggressive deadlines
                                                  to provide more research and information
        The NFRC’s Task Groups are the council’s    to develop a ballot for the 2018 spring   “Kaizen” process:
        roundtable of experts. These fenestration   meeting. Please visit the RCBC Task       change for the better,
        professionals are brought together to     Group page for more information on the
        study specific issues and recommend       task group and for information on joining   streamlining our
        effective action. Their heavy lifting keeps   the efforts to move the task forward.   programs to make
        our programs running smoothly.                                                        them easier for our
                                                  NFRC’s Commercial
        NFRC’s Residential                        Program                                     program participants
        Program                                                                               to navigate and to
                                                  Component Modeling Approach (CMA)           attract new members.
        The Product Certification Program (PCP)   Throughout 2017, NFRC’s staff assessed
        In 2016, the Certification Process –      the pros and cons of the Component
        Streamline Task Group was formed to       Modeling Approach Program (CMA) while
        tackle the NFRC certification process with   looking for ways to increase use and
        the goal of removing any non-value-       improve user experience. We enhanced
        added steps that complicate and slow      our market knowledge by engaging
        certification. NFRC hosted a kaizen event   subject matter experts with one-on-one
        facilitated by Applied Innovation Alliance.   interviews, site visits, and focused work
        Among the ideas generated during the      group sessions that helped identified
        week-long, intensive evaluation were:     several critical attributes for a successful
          Annual Energy Performance
           Simulate Only 3mm Glass and              Certification needs to remain outside the
         Remove Grids                              critical path of projects
          Validation Simplification                 The generation of ratings must be easy
                                                   and fast
          Redefine Certification
                                                    Ratings at specified sizes are necessary
          Harmonize Certification Cycles           for building energy consumption
          Annual LAP/CAP Workshops                 calculations
          Simplify the NFRC Temporary Label
          Process and Document Database           Our current proposal also looks to bridge
          Streamlined License Agreements          the gap between residential and
                                                  commercial programs with one unifying
           Develop Improved/Targeted              ratings methodology (such as the one
         Communications from NFRC to
         Program Participants                     being proposed through the RCBC Task
                                                  Group). The complexity of the commercial
                                                  market precludes a single program solution
        Residential Component Based               for both residential and commercial use.
        Calculation (RCBC)
        The RCBC task group took great strides    NFRC’s staff presented an outline for a
        in 2017 to address questions and issues   commercial ratings program that would
        raised by participants from a 2016 ballot   provide separate paths to generate
        about rounding and trendlines. A task     commercial ratings dependent upon the
        group meeting in May and responses to     type of product being rated: one path for
        ballots at the Fall 2017 Membership       project or custom work and another path
        Meeting provided the task group with      for more-standard products that may
        guidance to improve on the development    be reused and benefit from a listing in a
        of the RCBC methodology.                  certified products directory. Members
                                                                                          success through intention  14
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