Page 9 - NFRCAnnualReport2017
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Who We Are

                                    2017 was a year of growth, development, and
                                    positive change for the NFRC. Our Board and staff
                                    worked hand-in-hand to redefine our identity by:

                                     Reflecting on our values                Collaboration
                                     Reaffirming our mission                 We believe that driving the relevancy of
                                     Expanding our vision                    energy performance ratings forward can
                                                                             only happen through open cooperation
          A strategy that           By doing so, the NFRC re-energized its   with all industry stakeholders, and we
                                    brand promise and value proposition to
          emphasizes energy         better serve its members and consumers.  actively listen and respond to facilitate
                                                                             effective partnerships.
          efficiency is the most    Mission
          economically and          The NFRC serves the public by driving    Facilitation

          environmentally           widespread usage of fair, accurate, and   We act as the conduit between consumer,
                                                                             manufacturer, and industry partners, and
          sensible way of           credible energy performance ratings,     provide a platform that promotes
          meeting the twin          serves members by giving them a voice    competition by empowering consumers to
                                    in the ratings development process, and
          objectives of             serves the industry by creating an       make more informed product comparisons.
          providing energy          environment of competition that drives   Education
                                    energy performance.
          for sustainable                                                    We work to inform the general public of
          development and           Vision                                   the differences between energy-efficient
                                                                             products so that they can make the most
          avoiding dangerous        We envision a future where every window,    educated decisions possible, and we
                                    door, and skylight purchase decision is
          interference in the       made using the NFRC label to evaluate    guide licensees through our program
                                                                             offerings to ensure they get the most
          climate system.           energy performance.                      value possible.

                                    Values                                   Passion
                                                                             We come to work excited about what we
                                                                             do, believe that improvement is always
                                    We operate without bias, we base our     possible and enthusiastically strive to
                                    decisions on evidence, and always        reach our goals—every day.
                                    choose the best interest of the consumer.
                                    We respect the integrity of the NFRC     Brand Promise
                                    label and constantly re-evaluate our     Only the NFRC brings the industry
                                    listing to ensure products have gone     together to set objective energy
                                    through the certification process.       performance ratings for windows, doors,
                                                                             and skylights, giving consumers peace
                                    Competence                               of mind through the ability to make
                                    We take our position as credible industry   informed purchase decisions confidently.
                                    partners extremely seriously, and insist
                                    that each of our team members has the
                                    skills and expertise to be trustworthy of
                                    that responsibility.

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