Page 4 - NFRCAnnualReport2017
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Message From The CEO
Perseverance. Taking steps in the right effective. In fact, we are so committed
direction to achieve what we deem right, to our program that we launched an
worthwhile and in the very best interest of internal improvement initiative to
the National Fenestration Rating Council streamline our practices in ways that
(NFRC) and those we serve. That is what better serve our program participants
NFRC has been about in 2017. This has and, in turn, consumers.
been a year of many steps, some big, some
small but all made with considerable As we move into 2018, you can expect
forethought and intention, and with an more of this same action with intention from
eye toward results. the NFRC such as increasing outreach,
improving our programs and building a
In 2017, we set an ambitious agenda: greater awareness of NFRC contributions
To better understand and fulfill the to a greener planet. We will work hard in
needs of our program participants, our an increasingly challenging environment
members, and window-buying public; to ensure that energy efficiency remains a
To strengthen our certification and relevant public mandate.
ratings programs; and,
To articulate our place in the larger Will there be obstacles? You bet. Stumbles
energy efficiency arena. along the way? For sure. Doubters? You
can count on it. At NFRC, however, we
Early in 2017, we launched a revised, believe that there are no limits, that hard
consumer-friendly website that increases work and perseverance win the day, that
our reach and allows us to share information our mission is a good one and our future
on efficient windows and home energy is brimming with opportunity.
savings with a wider audience. Similarly, in
2017, we reached more window retailers On behalf of the NFRC’s leadership, I
than ever before and provided them with thank our devoted members for helping
helpful information that they could pass us achieve great things this year and the
on to consumers. These efforts combined great staff for making putting their
to increase our outreach to the public by insights into practice.
more than 800 percent. Indeed, providing
fair and accurate information on fenestration Here’s to an even more successful 2018.
products to the public is what drives
NFRC, but it’s our work behind the scenes Sincerely,
that makes this possible.
In 2017, both our membership and program
participation were at an all-time high. This
means, more than ever, we have hundreds Deborah L. Callahan, CAE
of fenestration-related companies that CEO
believe in our mission and find value in
our program offerings. Certification and
ratings are the much-needed credibility
that consumers seek when buying
products, and those certified by NFRC
set them apart from others.
NFRC worked hard in 2017 to make sure
our product certification program was user
friendly, efficient and most importantly
success through intention 4