Page 5 - NFRCAnnualReport2017
P. 5
Introduction continued
Message From The Board Chair
NFRC — Saving Energy, Improving Lives to expand our reach and relevance during
NFRC has always been a pioneer. 2018 by conveying how fenestration
products maximize these health and
It is my understanding that when the human performance benefits.
organization started in 1989, we faced
many skeptics who thought we had With the growing investment in healthier
embarked on a “mission impossible.” buildings poised to transform society, NFRC
The goal to establish fair, accurate, and plans to implement educational and
credible standards for rating the energy promotional initiatives aimed at helping
performance of fenestration products fenestration product manufacturers,
aroused cynicism and was treated by homeowners, design-build professionals,
some as a well-meaning fantasy. building occupants, and code officials alike
fully embrace the full range of benefits
Today, NFRC is the nationally-recognized that windows, doors, and skylights can
authority on energy performance ratings deliver. This, in turn, will make our
for fenestration products and the Board organization more streamlined for our
of Directors of the organization continues internal stakeholders and more meaningful
to focus on strategy to keep us relevant and accessible to consumers.
for years to come.
Considering NFRC’s history, I am confident
The NFRC’s results speak for themselves. we will achieve this goal. The obstacles
We have empowered consumers to identify we have overcome over the past 28 years
energy efficient windows, doors, and have strengthened us, and it is through our
skylights and given them a fair, accurate, perseverance that we find the courage
and credible means for making product and resilience to meet the future head-on.
comparisons prior to making a purchase. It is the same pioneering spirit that got us
Moving forward, NFRC plans to continue here that will make us even stronger in
driving the market toward adopting more the years ahead.
energy efficient fenestration products and
continually streamlining its ratings programs Finally, I envision our forward-thinking
in ways that allow manufacturers to bring approach positioning NFRC as an
their products to market faster. upstanding member of the corporate
community, and when people ask me
While NFRC built its reputation on helping what we do, I will be proud to tell them we
people reduce energy consumption, an enable the users of NFRC ratings to reduce
equally important aspect of our work is energy consumption and contribute to
its contribution to healthier homes and healthy building design in ways that improve
buildings. Studies on daylighting, for occupant comfort and wellness while
example, suggest that workers are more empowering people to live their values.
efficient, students retain information better,
and hospital patients recover faster when Sincerely,
they have plenty of access to natural light.
The same studies also tell us that natural
light in homes and the work environment
fosters more positive interactions among
people and promotes an improved sense Paul W. Bush
of wellbeing. NFRC Board Chair
Even as NFRC remains committed to
improving energy performance, we intend
success through intention 5