Page 8 - NFRCAnnualReport2017
P. 8
Great Year
NFRC acquires a
nonprofit grant from
Google, providing
$10,000 per month in
online promotion –
for free.
RCBC task group kicks
into high-gear, evaluating Staff presents to the
options for creating one BOD an outline for a
certification methodology commercial ratings
for rating all fenestration program that provides
products – residential separate paths for
and commercial custom and standard
fenestration products.
NFRC launches its
new website offering
a more consumer- NFRC’s website
friendly look and metrics hit an all-time
feel, as well as Held kaizen (continuous high, indicating
providing program process improvement) the value of its
participants quicker event with industry increased focus on
access to valuable experts to explore consumer education
information. streamlining our content.
certification process
and identified 10
supporting projects.
success through intention 8