Page 17 - WePower 2017
P. 17
WePower’s written materials
“Your Rights” (Second Edition) “Position Papers”
a brochure for present, future, Brochures produced especially
and newly-elected women council for the women council member’s
members detailing and assisting in conference containing many
preparation of a variety of legal and subjects for discussion about the
day-to-day topics in the council’s advancement of women in local
work. this brochure was translated to governance and peer study by means
Arabic in 2016. of updates of projects promoted by
women council members in the local
Future Projects (being written):
Gender Conscious The Political Language
Instruction Manual for Effective
Brochure for Organizations in Improvement in Political Areas and
order to improve gender equality Organizational Politics.
procedures in organizations,
companies, and local authorities.
Instruction Manual in
Preparation for Elections
Guide for the candidate who is
running for the elections in the
municipal arena.