Page 21 - WePower 2017
P. 21


                                     Annan says:

Annan Fares Falah                      “I was the graduate
                                       of WePower’s first
Acre                                   senior management
                                       program sector in
Acre born Annan Fares Falah is         which I acquired the
Israel’s first ever Druze woman        tools, methods and
dentist - a trained civilian pilot     know –how when
who also studied law and was the       dealing with issues
first ever woman Qadi candidate        in the public arena.
for the Druze Sharia Courts.           The program refined
Annan served as a paediatrician        a lot of things I knew
and dentist and in 2010 was            before, but not in
nominated as the Ministry of           depth”.
Health’s Dentists’ Supervisor in
the North.                           Ceremony in 2016.
Annan also was a director to The     She is a member in a number
Second Authority for Television      of women’s groups and
and Radio and a member of            organizations working to
the Ministry of Trade’s Advisory     promote the status of women,
Committee. She is the only person    particularly Druze women and
nominated twice as Judge for         in organizations which promote
the Sokolov Prize for Journalism     understanding between Israel’s
and served as Director in – Acre     different populations.
Economic Company. In 2015 she
received her Professorship in
Annan lit the torch at the National
Herzel Mount Independence Day

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