Page 19 - WePower 2017
P. 19
Vered says: Yeruham
“Joining WePower’s “Atidot” Vered Assaf
program in the Negev was
an amazing process, which Yeruham
provided us the tools and
know-how to form our short Vered Assaf, mother of- six
and long-term vision”. children from Yeruham grew
up in Beer-sheva’s social
The program gave Vered with periphery. As a pupil with
the opportunity to observe MK ADHD who almost dropped out
Dr. Aliza Lavie at work in the of school, she completed 12
Knesset. As she concludes: years of schooling and gained
“WePower’s program re- a bachelor’s degree in Informal
arranged my thinking and Education, specialization in youth
mainly clarified to me that I at risk. Today, she manages a
am a social activist. To bring social Today she is Yeruham’s
real change and correct social Employment Coordinator.
injustices, I now realize that I Vered founded an NGO which
have to reach a more senior helps populations at risk which
and significant position”. includes fundraising, distribution
Vered plans studying of food baskets and support
for a master’s degree in for families mainly in times of
management and public policy crisis. She also volunteers at the
and is looking to progress to a Chevre Kadisha.
senior management role
“With God’s help – I will reach
the Knesset”.