Page 20 - WePower 2017
P. 20

Ma’alot - Tarshiha  Ayala says that

Ayala Diamant                                  “When I joined
                                               WePower’s program,
Ma’alot - Tarshiha                             new horizons opened
                                               to me and I understood
Ayala Diamant, from Ma’alot-                   that I want to influence,
Tarshiha is a mediator and                     strive for equal
group facilitator who actively                 opportunities, and with
participated in the recent                     the tools I acquired,
municipal elections, helping to                I am able to promote
elect the current mayor. She is                processes, and most
a member of the Environment                    importantly, I realize
Council and the Women’s Council,               that with the desire
and was recently nominated as                  comes the ability, and I
the Quarter’s Coordinator of a                 realized that I can”.
large and challenging district
in her city with mostly retired
veteran population and old
buildings where she says that
she can apply all the things she
learned in WePower’s program;
for example working to promote
a program training volunteers for
the center for victims of sexual
offenses in her town.

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