Page 7 - CBAC Newsletter 2015
P. 7

the meaning oF ‘diastoliC FunCtion’!

        By sándor kováCs, m.d., Ph.d.

        Department of Medicine, Cardiovascular Division
        Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO

        There is currently an epidemic of heart failure (2, 13,   It therefore follows that LVEF is affected by heart size
        22), in particular, diastolic heart failure (1, 12, 14), or   and load, and indeed it is used to classify HF into low EF
        heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF),   vs. preserved EF categories. No simple, dimensionless
        whose molecular mechanisms, clinical features and       parameter of diastolic function analogous to LVEF for
        therapies have been recently reviewed (38). Therefore, it   systolic function/contractility has been
        is more important than ever to understand the           derived or proposed. Importantly, a key distinction
        physiology of diastole, or, the mechanism by which all   between ‘congestive heart failure’ usually due to
        hearts fill and therefore, the meaning of ‘diastolic    impaired ejection fraction (LVEF < 35%) and HFpEF is
        function.’ Usually the phrase ‘diastolic function’ is    that impairment of cardiac output is not a key causal
        interpreted as some metric or index or number that      determinant of HFpEF. To appreciate the meaning of
        conveys filling function.  For a practicing clinician,    ‘diastolic function’ the elegant and curious multiscale
        ‘diastolic function’ is relevant in assessing clinical   physiology of how all hearts work when they fill merits
        history and symptoms. Clinically, diastolic dysfunction   consideration in detail.
        tends to manifest initially as breathlessness associated
        with activities of daily living or minimal exertion. Often,   Common misconceptions remain about the filling
        the causal mechanism of transient diastolic dysfunction   process. Diastolic function can be better understood
        such as ischemia induced impaired relaxation, is        when one considers the basic principles that govern it.
        amenable to pharmacologic therapy (38).  In other
        circumstances adverse chamber remodeling (increased     These principles are:
        stiffness, fibrosis) due to hypertension, chronic atrial
        fibrillation etc. results in symptomatic diastolic      1) The four-chambered heart is  (within 5%) a
        dysfunction (40) where treatment is guided by relief of    constant-volume pump, and
        symptoms rather than based on understanding and         2) all LVs (and RVs) initiate filling by being mechanical
        reversing the underlying cause.                         suction pumps,
                                                                3) the volume at diastasis is the in-vivo equilibrium
        By analogy, the term ‘systolic function’ or ‘contractility’   volume of the LV, and
        is usually interpreted in terms of left ventricular ejection   4) all four heart chambers are primarily volume-pumps
 26  NEWS & ANNOUNCEMENTS    fraction (LVEF) where the dimensionless, normal    for the entire cardiac cycle, except for the LV, which is a
 29  CBAC 10 ANNIVERSARY    LVEF = (stroke volume)/(end-diastolic volume) falls in the   pressure-volume pump only in systole.
        50% or greater range.
    SYMPOSIUM                                                   Constant-volume pumping physiology
 32  PUBLICATIONS  1 The fact that LVEF is also an index of diastolic function is not   Leonardo da Vinci (1452 to 1519) observed that

 46  LECTURES & PRESENTATIONS    taught, nor generally appreciated.  Consider the definition of ejec-  — “the atria or filling chambers contract together while
        tion fraction: LVEF=SV/LVEDV= (E-wave VTI + A-wave VTI)/(diastatic
                                                                the pumping chambers or ventricles are relaxing and
 52   CBAC MEMBER LISTING   volume + A-wave VTI).  When written in this way, using only diastolic   vice versa”. This description of constant-volume pump-
        function indexes, it explicitly reveals the critical physiologic impor-
 55  CBAC 2015-2016 SEMINAR   tance of the volume at diastasis (the chamber’s equilibrium vol-  ing means that when the ventricles eject, the atria simul-
                                                                taneously fill, because the apical aspect and
        ume) as the volume relative to which the LV oscillates as a volume
 SCHEDULE   pump! So, LVEF is indeed a diastolic function index!

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