Page 10 - CBAC Newsletter 2015
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represent different levels of technological innovation,   for filling-related energy losses (10). The spring constant
        much remains to be learned in relation to how to        k primarily determines the width of the E-wave. A high
        interpret the recorded data. In our kinematics-based    spring constant (stiff spring) will generate a tall narrow
        approach we advocate the use of physical models and     E-wave as seen in the ‘constrictive-restrictive’ pattern.
        mathematical techniques in order to extract             The resistance/damping parameter is mainly
        relevant information from all modes of imaging and      responsible for the deceleration portion of the E-wave
        thereby more fully understand the rules that govern how   and is directly responsible for the inflection point
        the heart works when it fills.                          (change in curvature from ‘cup-down’ to ‘cup-up’)
                                                                seen in the deceleration portion. A high value for the
        Echocardiography and The Parametrized Diastolic         resistance/damping parameter in general gives rise
        Function (PDF) Formalism                                to the ‘delayed relaxation’ pattern on the E-wave. Ac-
                                                                cordingly, the resistance/damping parameter c can be
        In routine practice, the curvature of the E-wave is     interpreted as a relaxation parameter.
        ignored when the E-wave is approximated as a triangle.
        By considering the kinematic analog of the role of the   The PDF model parameters (χ ,c, k) for each E-wave can
        heart as a suction pump, we have gained deeper          be obtained through the steps detailed in Figure 2 and
        understanding into the physiologic determinants of      made explicit in (31). Briefly, after the E-wave is selected,
        E-wave curvature, thereby making the triangular         the maximum velocity envelope is identified and is fit
        approximation unnecessary.                              numerically by the solution to the PDF equation, yielding
                                                                the three, best-fit PDF parameters (χ ,c, k) and a
        Ventricular filling can be modeled in analogy to the    measure of goodness-of-fit.
        motion of a recoiling spring (a mechanical oscillator) that
        has an inertial load and is moving against a resistance   With a mathematically accurate model-based
        (9). The model is called the Parametrized Diastolic     approximation to the E-wave, subtle details of curvature
        Function (PDF) formalism. To be specific, this formalism   that are absent in the triangular shape approach are
        (kinematic model) stems from Newton’s Laws of motion    made explicit and are seen to be useful. The analysis of
        and characterizes the E-wave in terms of a driving force   E-waves via this model has shown that diabetes
        (the atrioventricular pressure gradient), a             increases the resistance/relaxation parameter c of early
        damping/viscous force that resists transmitral flow     rapid filling in both rats (4) and humans (15). Important-
        (cross bridge uncoupling or relaxation rate), and an    ly, these two studies showed that for hearts with normal
        inertial load due to tissue and blood.                  LVEF, in contrast to the relaxation/viscosity parameter
                                                                c, conventional E-wave indexes such as E peak  or DT were
        Using this conceptual framework as a model one can      unable to differentiate between normal and diabetic
        solve the associated differential equation (of motion);   subjects. A further manifestation of the
        mitral flow velocity can be mathematically predicted as   resistance/relaxation property of the ventricle is that all
        the solution to the equation of motion. In other words   ventricles fill to a volume that is less than the maximum
        –all ventricles are mechanical suction pumps and fill by   (lossless) ideal filling volume. An index which
        obeying the same law of motion. The parameters that     characterizes this efficiency of filling, the kinematic filling
        specify the motion, however, vary from heart to heart.   efficiency index (KFEI) has been shown to be lower in
        As a simple analogy consider the trajectory of a stone   normal LVEF diabetics compared to normal controls (26).
        thrown in the air.  The arced path the stone follows    Furthermore, the resistance/relaxation parameter c has
        varies from throw to throw, and depends on the initial   been shown to be linearly related to relaxation charac-
        velocity and angle of launch – while the laws of inertia   terized by τ, the (invasively determined) time-constant of
        and gravity that determine the stone’s actual trajectory   isovolumic relaxation (3).
        remain the same for each throw.
                                                                Differentiating between pseudonormal and normal
        Each transmitral E-wave can be uniquely determined by   E-wave patterns
        three parameters, the initial displacement of the spring
        χ , which is linearly related to the area under the E-wave   Pseudonormal (PN) Doppler E-wave filling patterns
        contour, its velocity-time integral VTI (the volumetric   indicate diastolic dysfunction but are indistinguishable
        preload) (10), the stiffness parameter k, which is linearly   from the normal filling (NL) pattern using the triangle
        related to chamber stiffness (dP/dV) (8) and a          approximation for E-wave shape. To differentiate PN
        resistance/damping parameter or chamber                 from NL, maneuvers to alter load or to additionally
        viscoelasticity/relaxation index c (g/s) which accounts   measure peak E’ are required. E-wave deceleration time

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