Page 12 - CBAC Newsletter 2015
P. 12

key insight in solving the LIIDF problem lies in analyzing   functional elegance of macroscopic  ‘diastolic function’
        not just one, but several E-waves, acquired at varying   can only be fully appreciated using a conceptual
        loads (see figure 3).  The key insight in solving the   framework that includes a causal, mechanistic
        LIIDF problem lies in analyzing not just one, but several   description of events. Accordingly, the focus has been
        E-waves, acquired at varying loads (see figure 3). To   on the basic rules that govern diastole. These are:
        determine the LIIDF, first determine the PDF parameters   four-chambered (nearly perfect) constant-volume pump,
        stiffness (k, c, x ) for each E-wave and measure Epeak.   2) all LVs (and RVs) initiate filling by being mechanical
        For each E-wave, the product kx  gives the model        suction pumps, 3) diastatic LV volume defines in-vivo
        predicted maximum driving force, i.e. the analog of the   equilibrium volume, and 4) all four heart chambers are
        peak instantaneous atrio-ventricular pressure gradient.   volume-pumps for the entire cardiac cycle, except for
        The product of each E-wave’s c and E peak  defines the   the LV, which is a pressure-volume pump in systole.  The
        maximum resistive force opposing flow. Thus, for each   consequences of these rules governing diastole become
        E-wave we compute kx  and the associated cE peak , and   explicit when expressed in mathematical form, which is
        plot a point in the kx vs. cE peak  graph. The LIIDF is the   predictive and subject to experimental verification, and
        slope, called M, of the linear regression between all   has lead to new understanding in physiology. According-
        (cE peak , kx ) points, where each point is extracted from a   ly, the PDF formalism has facilitated a causal,
        separate E-wave acquired under variable.                mechanistic explanation of previously unrelated
                                                                observations under a single paradigm: all E-wave
        Initially recorded E-waves were in healthy volunteers   contours are predictable because they obey the same
        subjected to tilt-table maneuvers to change load, and   equation of motion (9), isovolumic relaxation (tau vs.
        cardiac catheterization patients undergoing simul-      logistic time constant) is governed by an equation of
        taneous (micromanometric transducer) LV pressure        motion that provides a load independent index of IVR
        recording and transthoracic echocardiography for        (3,33), in-vivo equilibrium volume occurs at diastasis
        E-wave recording in response to load variation due to   (35) and it determines passive diastatic chamber
        respiration. Healthy subjects showed significant E-wave   stiffness (37), a load independent index of diastolic
        shape changes as tilt angle was varied from upright     function [LIIDF] can be computed from E-wave analysis
        to supine to head-down. Despite the dramatic visual     (23), E-wave deceleration time is determined by both
        E-wave shape variation, all associated (cE peak , kx ) points   chamber stiffness and relaxation, rather than stiffness
        remained co-linear (R2=0.98), demonstrating that the    alone (36) and fractionation of E-wave deceleration
        slope of the kx  vs. cE peak  regression is independent of   time into stiffness and relaxation components (27,28)
        load. Furthermore, we found that in subjects undergoing   facilitates diastolic function characterization.  Continued
        cardiac catheterization the LIIDF M was significantly   utilization of the framework and methodology discussed
        lower in subjects having diastolic dysfunction (elevated   is certain to further elucidate and characterize the sur-
        filling pressures > 18 mmHg), compared to subjects      prising, counterintuitive and elegant features of diastole.
        with normal diastolic function (Figure 4). Thus, the LIIDF
        can be easily determined by analysis of load-varying
        E-waves, it remains constant after load variation, and
        differentiates between normal diastolic function and
        diastolic dysfunction. The method of LIIDF determina-
        tion relies critically on the differences between E-wave
        shapes.  The practical utility and clinical power of the
        LIIDF resides in its application in sequential studies
        where each subject serves as their own control.  By this
        approach, whether therapy has resulted in 'beneficial’ or
        ‘adverse' remodeling can be assessed in load-
        independent terms. Furthermore the LIIDF in and of
        itself can serve as a therapeutic target.


        Although I have not discussed the complex and coun-
        terintuitive cellular features of myocyte contraction and
        relaxation, cell geometry and topology and electrical
        attributes as they relate to diastole, the meaning and

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