Page 11 - CBAC Newsletter 2015
P. 11

(DT) has been fractionated into its stiffness (DT ) and   compensation in radial motion in order to preserve
        relaxation (DT) components (DT=DT +DT) by analyzing     stroke volume.  These directional-filling attributes can be
        E-waves via the PDF formalism. The method has been      quantified by determining the longitudinal and
        validated (27) with DT  and DT correlating with         transverse impedance of the chamber during filling.
        simultaneous catheterization (MILLAR) derived stiffness   (30) The results quantify the propensity for longitudinal
        (dP/dV) and relaxation (tau) with r=0.82 and r=0.94,    volume accommodation to be 30 times greater than
        respectively. PDF based E-wave analysis (of 763         transverse volume accommodation. (31)
        E-waves) from 15 age-matched PN (elevated E/E’) and
        15 NL subjects (k, c or DT and DT) was analyzed.        Characterization of the Effects of Weight Loss on
        Additionally, blinded (E’ not provided) analysis of 42   Diastolic Function and Aging of the Heart
        subjects (30 subjects from unblinded training set and
        12 additional subjects from validation set, 581 E-waves)   The PDF formalism has been used in the investigation
        showed that R(=DT /DT) had high sensitivity (0.90) and   of the effects of caloric restriction and exercise induced
        specificity (0.86) in differentiating PN from NL once E’    weight loss on diastolic function. We found that both
        revealed actual classification. These results indicate   caloric restriction and exercise induced weight losses
        that PDF based diastolic function analysis can          have salutary effects on diastolic function (20).  In
        differentiate NL vs. PN filling patterns without requiring   addition, the PDF parameters of subjects with caloric
        knowledge of E’. (28)                                   restriction were more in line with PDF parameters
                                                                observed in a younger cohort, implying that caloric
        Doppler Tissue Imaging                                  restriction slows ‘aging’ in the normal heart (11).

        Doppler Tissue Imaging (DTI) has become routine in      Load Independent Index of Diastolic Function
        diastolic function assessment. However, past technology
        made it difficult to appreciate the shape of the DTI    A persistent challenge in clinical assessment of diastolic
        generated E’-wave and subsequent multiple annular       function relates to assessing diastolic function from
        oscillations, which were previously noted (6, 24, 25).   data confounded by load. As discussed above, diastolic
        Such oscillations may have been considered to be noise.   function is characterized in terms of intrinsic parameters
        Importantly, these annular oscillations obey the laws of   (stiffness and relaxation) and extrinsic parameters
        oscillatory motion and thereby are amenable to          (load). Despite advancing imaging capabilities,
        modeling and quantitation (17-19). With current         traditional (Epeak/Apeak, VTI, AT, DT) and newer
        technology, the presence or absence of oscillations can   echo-derived indices (E/E’, strain, strain rate, Vp, etc.)
        be assessed, as shown in the figures of references      have all been found to be load-dependent. Thus there
        18-19.                                                  is no currently available diastolic function index that
                                                                is load-independent and measures chamber stiffness
        The information obtained from DTI holds great potential   and relaxation. Hence, solution of the load-independent
        for diagnosis of diastolic relaxation abnormalities. The   index of diastolic function (LIIDF) problem is a worthy
        absence of mitral annulus oscillation (MAO) is a good   undertaking.
        predictor of relaxation related diastolic dysfunction. In a
        recent study, we found that patient groups without MAO   Importantly, because of load- conventional echocardio-
        tend to have prolonged τ and IVRT, lower Epeak/Apeak    graphic indexes (such as E peak /A peak ) in healthy subjects
        and E’-waves, and increased Epeak/E’ (16). With         (>1) can be abnormal (<1), or in subjects with
        advancing technology, cardiologists can easily and      pathophysiology (E peak /A peak <1) become pseudo-
        reliably utilize MAO to gain additional information about   normalized and appear >1.
        diastolic function.
                                                                Conventionally multiple beats are averaged to determine
        Longitudinal vs. Transverse Filling Attributes          a reported value. For example, for Epeak, one would
                                                                measure several consecutive E-waves, and then report
        The ability to image longitudinal motion and radial     the average Epeak. Thus DF information present in the
        motion to high precision has permitted characterization   beat-to-beat variation is lost due to averaging.
        of spatially distinct compensatory mechanisms in
        diastole. In other words, because maintenance of        In previous work we solved the LIIDF problem.
        cardiac output and stroke volume constitute the prime   Physiologic insight into the mechanism of filling and
        directives for survival, it follows that impairment of    mathematical analysis of E-waves allows derivation of an
        longitudinal motion should be accompanied by            index that is conserved during load variation (23). The

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