Page 15 - Mainstreamer Volume 1 Issue 2 Feb 2023
P. 15
Challenges of Candidates with Disabilities in Conducting Research
Muhammad Marwan
Mohd Tanos
laise Pascal (1623-1662), a French 1. Discuss accommodations: Find out what
philosopher, stated that “the heart has accommodations the student may need to
Bits reasons that reason does not know.” complete their work effectively and discuss
Knowledge is the key to success, and research is how you can provide support.
the key to greater knowledge. Knowledge, echoing
Pascal, is not only the outcome of the brain, but 2. Be flexible: Consider adjusting deadlines,
also a matter of the heart. Whether a research is meeting times, or the way you provide
conducted by those with disabilities or by those feedback to accommodate the student’s
without disabilities, both groups have the same needs.
goal: to expand one’s knowledge. It is said that the 3. Encourage communication: Encourage open
success of PhD students is determined by three and regular communication between you
factors: expertise, emotional support from the and the student, so that they can let you
supervisor, and, last but not least, the candidate’s know if they need additional support.
4. Be patient: Remember that the student may
Experts have stated that between supervisor need more time to complete tasks, so be
expertise and emotional attentiveness to their PhD patient and understanding.
students, the latter was the determining factor in
the candidate’s completion of their thesis. Many 5. Provide resources: Provide resources and
people now recognize emotion as a main factor support to help the student succeed, such
that supervisors must be aware of. However, the as assistance with technology or access to
candidates must recognize the significance of their specialized equipment.
own attitude.
6. Stay informed: Stay informed about the
People with disabilities require not only latest developments and resources available
different techniques for education through to support disabled students, so you can
diverse means and tools of teaching, but also provide the best possible support.
different techniques and devices for supervisors
to supervise them. With recent technological Remember that each student is unique and may
advancements, computers can provide a great deal have different needs, so it’s important to be
of general guidance on how to supervise a disabled flexible and open to working together to find
PhD student. When asked, “How to supervise a solutions that work for everyone.”
disabled PhD student?”, the AI language model
ChatGPT responded with the following: It seems that AI has advanced too rapidly
to the point where they can understand the
“Supervising a PhD student who has a difficulties of persons with disabilities. There are
disability requires sensitivity, flexibility, and an many supervisors that are merely good at hiding
understanding of the student’s specific needs. behind jargon. They are neither experts, nor are
Here are some general guidelines to follow: they emotionally sensitive. Unfortunately, their
publication contains little information about
Vol. 01, Issue 2 | February 2023 14