Page 17 - Mainstreamer Volume 1 Issue 2 Feb 2023
P. 17

          Case Study of An Early Childhood Education Student with Autism at

                                                “Mawar III” Klari

                                                               Najma Fauziah
                                                               Malik &
                                                               Robi Nurhadi

                utism (autism spectrum disorder) is a         and develops normally. But not all children grow
                neurodevelopmental disorder that causes       and develop in the same way. We often encounter
          Abehavioral and social interactions to be           children in the community who are experiencing
          disrupted. In Indonesia, the number of people       from developmental and growth problems.
          with autism is on the rise. In 2006, the ratio was   Children with Special Needs (ABK) are children who
          1:150, which means there is 1 autistic child for    have physical and mental abnormalities, as well
          every 150 children. Within 6 years, the figure had   as physical, sensory-motor, mental-intellectual,
          increased by 300 percent. If we look at the number  social, emotional, and behavioral deviations, or
          of Indonesian children in 2021 (52 million), the    a combination of these. These children require
          number of autistic children was 532,200.            special education services.

            According to Chapter VI article 28 of the            The word Autism is derived from the Greek
          National Education System Law No. 20 of 2003,       “auto,” which means alone. People with autism
          “Kindergarten is a formal education in the early    appear to be living in their own world.  Leo Kanner,
          childhood education pathway that educates           a psychiatrist from Harvard, coined the term
          children aged 4-6 years”. Early childhood education  autism in 1943. Autism may simply be defined as a
          is the level of education that every child receives   child’s tendency to isolate because he or she is too
          prior to entering primary or elementary school..    preoccupied with their own world. In other words,
                                                              children with autism are preoccupied with their
            Early childhood is a critical period in an        own affairs rather than socializing with others.
          individual’s development. At this age, a child
          experiences rapid physical, motor, emotional,          Autism is a disorder that affects cognitive,
          cognitive, and psychosocial growth. The term        emotional, behavioral, and social areas, including
          “development” refers to an  increase in ability     the capacity to interact with others. When
          in terms of more complex bodily structures and      compared to other children, autistic children will
          functions.  The maturation process results in a     grow and develop differently. This is due to a
          regular and predictable pattern of development.     gradual deterioration in cognitive ability. Autistic
          According to article 5 of the Regulation of the     children experience disruptions in their motor
          Minister of Education and Culture Number 146        control, such as being unable to sit still, wanting
          of 2014 concerning the 2013 Curriculum for Early    to walk, running around in class, going in and out
          Childhood Education, aspects of development in      of class at will, jumping up and down constantly,
          the Early Childhood Education (PAUD) Curriculum     always moving without tiring. These behaviors will
          include religious and moral values, physical-motor,   distract the child’s attention from the teaching and
          cognitive, language, social-emotional, and arts.    learning activities in class.
            In general, children are ready to respond to         Children with autism disorder show a lack
          stimuli in their environments. This period is very   of response to others, demonstrate speaking
          effective for developing abilities, which may be    disability, inappropriate behavior,  and sensory
          achieved optimally and help a child’s further       deficiencies that make them appear deaf, behave
          growth. Of course, this is possible  if a child grows   inappropriately, and have inappropriate emotions.

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