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Shemos—Shemos 2:19–23 âëYèé:á úåîùZúåîù            [20]

                                                                                                         from the hand of the shepherds; ó−¢Ì¼ÒþÞÖíð¤ÔiÌô
                                                                                                         and he also drew [water] for us, eò flÖñ ·íÖñÖðí¥GÖc-óÔèÐî
                                                                                                               and watered the sheep.” :öêÒ ÞvÔí-³ÓêКÐL£ÔiÔî
                                                                                              20. He said to his daughters, “And where is he? B¢iÔêÐîî−£Ö³ÒòÐa-ñÓêþÓôêÒ'iÔî.×
                                                                                                         Why did you abandon the man? Lfl−ÌêÖí-³Óêö¤ÓzÐëÔïμ ·íÓfíÖn¥Öñ
                                                                                                         Call him and let him eat bread.” :óÓìÞÖññÔ×êÒ'−ÐîB£ñö'ÓêÐþÌš
                                                                                                  21. Moshe agreed to reside with the man, L−¢ÌêÖí-³Óê³Óë¤ÓLÖñí£Ó Lô ñÓêB'iÔî .ê×
                Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  vii
                                                                                                and he gave Moshe his daughter Tzipporah. :íÞÓLôÐñB£zÌëí'ÖþÒtÌ®-³Óêö§ÑzÌiÔî
                Abbreviation of Sources and Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  ix
                                                                                                        22. When she gave birth to a son, ö flÑaðÓñ¤ÑzÔî .ë×
                Shemos/³îô¾ .................................       1
                                                                                                      he named him Gershom, for he said, þ flÔôÖê−¤ÌkóÒ ¢LÐþÞÑbB £ôÐL-³Óêê'ÖþКÌiÔî
                Va’eira/êþêî ..................................    56
                                                                                                 “I have been a foreigner in a strange land.” ô :íÖiÌþÐ×Öò±Óþ£ÓêÐa−̳−flÌ−Öíþ¤Ñb
                Bo/êë ......................................       97
                                                                                                                 23. A long time passed ó†ÑíÖíó−•ÌaÔþÞÖíó−·ÌôÖiÔë »−ÌíÐ−Ôî .è×
                Beshalach/ìñ¾ë  ............................... 155
                                                                                                             and the king of Egypt died. óÌ− flÔþЮÌôCÓñ¤Óô ·³Öô·ÖiÔî
                Yisro/îþ³−  ................................... 226
                Mishpatim/ó−¬õ¾ô .............................. 273                                                                 é"ùø AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
                                                                                                      AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA RASHI
                Terumah/íôîþ³ ................................ 362
                                                                                                            [20] Why did you abandon.  .ïÆzÀáÇæÂòäÆfäÈnÈì [ë]
                Tezaveh/í ................................. 427
                                                                                                 He realized that he was a descendant of Yaakov  ,ëҚμÔ−ñÓLB¼ÐþÔfÌô êeíÓLBaþ−ÌkÌí
                Ki Sisa/ê¾³ −× ................................. 483
                                                                                                     for whom the waters [of the Nile] rose. 64  :B³êÖþКÌñ ó−ÌñB¼ óÌ−ÔnÔíÓL
                Vayakhel/ñíš−î ................................ 557
                                                                                                               And let him eat bread—  .íÆçÞÈììÇëàÉéÀå
                Pekudei/−ðîšõ ................................. 579                                     “Perhaps he might marry one of you”  ,óÓkÌô³ÔìÔêêÖOÌ−êÖnÓL
                Haftaros/³îþ¬õí  ............................... 599                                                     as you say: 65  :þÔôÖêÐzÔêÐðíÖôÐk
                                                                                                         “Except for the bread that he ate.” 66  :ñÑ×Bê êeí þÓLÎêóÓìÓlÔíóÌê−Ìk
                                                                                                              [21] And Moshe agreed.  .ìÆàBiÇå [àë]
                                                                                                 ñÓêB−Ôî means as is translated by Onkelos [ −ÌëЮe]. 67  ,BôebÐþÔ³Ðk
                                                                                               Similarly: “[ñÓêBí] Please agree to stay overnight” 68  ,ö−ÌñÐîêÖòñÓêBí :Bñ íÓôBðÐî
                                                                                                 [or:] “Would that we would have consented” 69  ,eòÐñÔêBí eñÐî
                                                                                                            [or:] “I have agreed to speak.” 70  .þÑaÔðÐñ−ÌzÐñÔêBí
                                                                                            But the Midrash 71  translates [ñÓêB−Ôî] from the root [íÖñÖê]  ;íÖñÖê öBLÐñ :BLÖþÐðÌôe
                                                                                                          [i.e.] (Moshe) swore to him (Yisro)  Bñ ¼ÔaÐLÌò
                                                                                                        that he would not move from Midian  öÖ−ÐðÌnÌô ïeïÖ−êHÓL
                                                                                                          unless he received his permission.  :B³eLÐþÌaóÌê−Ìk
                                                                                                             [23] A long time passed—  íÅäÈä íéÄaÇøÞÈäíéÄîÈiÇáéÄäÀéÇå [âë]
                                                                                                  during which Moshe was residing in Midian—  ,öÖ−ÐðÌôÐaþÖbíÓLô íÖ−ÖíÓL

                                                                                          64 See Rashi Bereishis 47, 10.  65 That “bread” is a euphemism for one’s wife.  66 Bereishis 39, 6—a reference
                                                                                          to Potiphar’s wife. See Rashi ibid.  67 −ÌëЮe— and he consented, agreed.  68 Shoftim 19, 6.  69 Yehoshua 7, 7.
                                                                                          70 Bereishis 18, 27.                                          26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 1 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:42 | SR:-- | Cyan   26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 1 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:42 | SR:-- | Black   26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-


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