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[19]  Shemos—Shemos 2:15–19 èéYåè:á úåîùZúåîù

 and resided in the land of Midian, ö£Ö−ÐðÌô-±ÓþÞÓêÐaëÓL'ÑiÔî
 and he sat [lived] near the well. :þÞÑêÐaÔí-ñÔ¼ëÓL'ÑiÔî
 16. The priest of Midian had seven daughters. ³B¢òÖa¼Ôë¤ÓLö£Ö−ÐðÌôö'ÑíÒ×Ðñe .ï¬
 They came to draw water [from the well] íÖò †ÓñÐðÌzÔîíÖòêÒ¤ëÖzÔî
 and fill the troughs ó− fl̬ÖíÐþ¤Öí-³Óê ·íÖòê ·ÓlÔôÐzÔî
 to water their father’s sheep. :öÞÓí−ÌëÎêöêÒ'®³B£šÐLÔíÐñ
 17. Then the shepherds came and chased them away. óe ¢LÐþÞÖèÐ−Ôîó−£ ̼ÒþÞÖíeêÒ'ëÖiÔî .ï−
 Moshe got up and came to their aid, ö flÖ¼ÌLB¤iÔî ·íÓLô óÖš¥ÖiÔî
 and then watered their sheep. :óÞÖòêÒ®-³ÓêКÐL£ÔiÔî
 18. When they came to Reu’eil, their father, ö¢Óí−ÌëÎêñ£Ñêe¼Ðþ-ñÓêíÖòêÒ–ëÖzÔî .ì−
 he said [to them], þÓôêÕ–iÔî
 “How did you get to come [home] so early today?” :óBÞiÔíêÒ£aö'ÓzÐþÔíÞÌôÔ¼e§cÔô
 19. They said, oÐþ–ÔôêÒzÔî .¬−
 “An Egyptian rescued us eò£Öñ−ÌvÌí− flÌþЮÌôL−¤Ìê
 And resided in the land of Midian. 58  .ïÈéÀãÄî-õÆøÞÆàÀaáÆLÅiÇå
 [Here ëÓLÑiÔî means] he remained there  ,óÖLëÑkԼгÌò
 as in, “And Yaakov resided.”  :ëҚμÔ−ëÓLÑiÔî :BôÐk
 And he sat [lived] near the well. 59  .øÞÅàÀaÇä-ìÇòáÆLÅiÇå
 [Here ëÓLÑiÔî] means “sitting.”  .íÖë−ÌLÐ− öBLÐñ
 He (Moshe) learned from Yaakov  ëҚμÔiÌôðÔôÖñ
 who found his mate at the well. 60  :þÑêÐaÔíñÔ¼ BèeeÌïBñèîÑeÔcÐïÌpÓL
 [16] The priest of Midian.  .ïÈéÀãÄîïÅäÉëÀìe [æè]
 [öÖ−ÐðÌôöÑíÒ× means] the most prominent of them.  .öÓíÖaÓLëÔþ
 He abandoned the worship of idols  íÖþÖïíÖðBëμÑôBñLÔþÖõe
 whereupon they (the Midianites) banished him. 61  :óÖñЮÓêÑô eíec−ÌòÐî
 And fill the troughs.  .íéÄèÈäÀøÞÈä-úÆà
 [ó−̬ÖíÐþÔí means] the pools of rushing water  62  óÌ−ÔnÔí ³B®eþÐô ³B×−ÑþÐa³Óê
 that were made in the land.  :±ÓþÖêÖa ³B−eNμÖí
 [17] And chased them away.  .íeLÀøÞÈâÀéÇå [æé]
 On account of his (Yisro’s) being banished. 63  :−ecÌpÔí−ÑòÐtÌô
 58 ëÓLÑiÔî can be “he remained” or “he sat.”  59 Why would Moshe choose to sit near a well? (M., G.A.)  60 See
 Bereishis 29, 2.  61 Mizrachi and Gur Aryeh point out that Rashi later tells us that Yisro was at one time an
 idol-worshipping priest (see Rashi below 6, 25). However, at that time he repented.  62 íÖ®−Ìþ (running, rushing)
 is translated as ¬ÔíÔþ in Aramaic. (See Bereishis 18, 7) 63 Otherwise, how could the shepherds have chased his
 daughters from the well. (G.A.)  SHMOT  1                                                                           #                                                              #  26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 1 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:42 | SR:-- | Magenta   26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 1 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:42 | SR:-- |
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