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[15] Shemos—Shemos 2:11 àé:á úåîùZúåîù #26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 1 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:42 | SR:-- | Yellow 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 1 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:42 | SR:-- | Magenta 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 1 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:42 | SR:-- | Cyan 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 1 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:4
Sh’lishi (Third Aliyah) éùéìù two constructions that are described in great detail in the Torah—Noach’s
ark in Sefer Bereishis, and the mishkon in Sefer Shemos. Aside from their
11. It was in those days when Moshe was grown ·íÓLô ñ¥ÔcÐèÌiÔîó†ÑíÖíó−¤ÌôÖiÔa| −¤ÌíÐ−Ôî .ê−
obvious differences in both material design and in spritual essence, there
that he [began] to go out to his brethren, î− flÖìÓê-ñÓêê¤Ñ®ÑiÔî was a basic and unique difference in their immediate surroundings.
and he saw their burdens [hard labor]. ó¢Ö³GÐë̽ÐaêÐþ£ÔiÔî Whereas Noach’s ark was built when surrounded by a community of
corruption and moral perversion, the mishkon was built in, and surrounded
place of refuge from the flood that destroyed an evil and blackened world,
the mishkon was a place that brought life and spiritual brightness to the SHMOT
that it (eí−̳−ÌLÐô) is not derived from LÖô or LeôÖ− LeôÖ−ÐîLÖô³ÓþÓaÐìÔnÌô Bò−ÑêÓL
but from the root íÒLÖô ,íÒLÖô³ÔþÐïÌbÌôêÖlÓê
which has the meaning of “extraction.” ,êeí íÖêÖ®Bí öBLÐñe In presenting this new linear translation of the text of Sefer Shemos
Similarly: “He extracts me (−ÌòÑLÐôÔ−) from many waters.” 31 ,ó−ÌaÔþóÌ−ÔnÌô−ÌòÑLÐôÔ−öÑ×Ðî and Rashi’s timeless commentary, I pray to the Giver and Sanctifier of life 1
For if it (eí−̳−ÌLÐô) would have been from the root ¾Öô , LÖô³ÓþÓaÐìÔnÌôíÖ−Öí el−ÌêÓL that it will add a new dimension of learning and understanding to the
it would be incorrect to say eí−̳−ÌLÐô, 32 eí−̳−ÌLÐôþÔôBñ öÑ×ÖzÌ−êG sacred words of His Torah. May Klal Yisroel be worthy to see the end of our
but rather eí−̳BL−ÌôÎí, 33 ,eí−̳BL−ÌôÎíêÖlÓê physical and spiritual exile and be privileged to behold the establishment
of the Third Beis Hamikdosh which will truly be the light of the world.
just as from the root óÖš—(arise) óÖšöÌôþÔôÖêÑ−þÓLÎêÔk
−̳Bô−ÌšÎí—(I established) ,−̳Bô−ÌšÎí
I would be remiss in my obligation of ëî¬í ³þ×í if I did not single
and from ëÖ¾—−̳Bë−ÌLÎí—(I caused to return) ,−̳Bë−ÌLÎíëÖLöÌôe
out for appreciation my dear friends, Nachum Kornfeld and Avrohom
and from êÖë—−̳Bê−ÌëÎí (I brought); ,−̳Bê−ÌëÎíêÖaöÌôe Walzer of Simcha Graphic Associates. Without their selfless dedication and
or [another ñ−¼õí form:] eí−ÌzÐLÔô [should be used] ,eí−ÌzÐLÔôBê professional expertise this Sefer would not be the work of art that it is.
as in: “I will remove the iniquity of the land,” 34 ,±ÓþÖêÖíöBμ³Óê−ÌzÐLÔôe BôÐk I acknowledge, with gratitude, the contribution of Rabbi Avrohom
whereas the form −̳−ÌLÖô −Ì ³−ÌLÖôñÖëÎê Kleinkaufman, whose scholarship in preparation of the initial draft of the
can only be derived from a word íÖë−Ñz³ÔþÐïÌbÌôêÖlÓê Bò−Ñê English translation of Rashi, and the annotations, crowns this volume.
whose verb dÖlÓLñÔ¼ÒtÓL My deepest thanks to Rabbi Yaakov Pupko, to Rabbi Yehudah Strasser,
and to R.W., who contributed their abundant talents to this work.
has a ê"í at the end of the [root] word. ,íÖë−ÑzÔí ¹B½Ðëê"ÑíÐaðÖqe−Ðô
My appreciation to Torah Umesorah Publications for allowing us to
For example: íÖòÖt,íÖeÌ®,íÖNÖ¼,íÖòÖa,íÖLÖô öBèÐk ,íÖòÖt,íÖeÌ®,íÖNÖ¼,íÖòÖa,íÖLÖô öBèÐk
reproduce artwork from A Basic Guide to the Mishkon, 6 1991 by Torah
when the intent is first person singular, ,−ÌzÐñÔ¼ÖtóÓíÖaþÔôBñ êBëÖiÓLÐk
Umesorah Publications, and to Rabbi Sinai Malowicki of The Sinai Heritage,
the letter ð"î− is inserted in place of a ê"í 35 ,ê"Ñí óBšÐôÌa ð"eiÔíêÒëÖz
whose illustrations embellish and clarify Rashi’s description of the sacred
as in −̳−ÌòÖë—(I built); −̳−ÌNÖ¼ —(I did); ,−̳−ÌNÖ¼,−̳−ÌòÖaBôÐk articles of the mishkon.
−̳−ÌeÌ®—(I commanded). :−̳−ÌeÌ®
[11] Moshe was grown. .äÆLî ìÇcÀâÄiÇå [àé] í¾îðší íþî³ë ³îèíñ í×ïê¾ öî®þ −í− .−ñ¼ þôîè ñ-êñ −õ× ¾îþõê ,þëðñ íñ×ê óþ¬ −òê
Was it not already perviously written ëÔ³ÖkþÖëÐ×êGÎíÔî îòð×òî îò−òëô ³ìò ëþ ³îîþñ ,’−ì³ íòì ,−³−ë ³îò ó¼ ðì− ëî¬í ’í −ò×ï−î .³¼ðí ³ëìþí μî³ô
.öôê ,óñî¼ ð¼ îò¼þï ¼þïî îò¼þï −õôî îò−õô íïí íþî³í þõ½ ¾îô− êñ¾ þ"í−î .ó−þš−í
“And the lad had grown up”? 36 ?ðÓñÓiÔíñÔcÐèÌiÔî
R. Yehudah, son of R. Eloai said: ,−êÔ¼ÐñÌê−ÌaÔþÐaíÖðeíÐ−−ÌaÔþþÔôÖê
Avrohom Davis
the first reference is to height íÖôBšÐñ öBLêÌþÖí
Far Rockaway, N.Y.
and the second to greatness ,íÖleðÐèÌñ−ÌòÑMÔíÐî Kislev 5753
for Pharaoh had appointed him [overseer] of his house. :B³−ÑañÔ¼íÒ¼ÐþÔõeíÖpÌôÓL
31 II Shmuel 22, 17. 32 Which is in the ñÔš conjugation. 33 In the ñ−̼ÐõÌí—causative conjugation. eí−̳−ÌLÐô would
mean to depart, whereas eí−̳BL−ÌôÎí would mean to cause to depart, i.e., to extract. 34 Zecharyah 3, 9. 35 I.e.,
the ê"í of the root is dropped and is replaced with a ð"î−. 36 V. 10.
#26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 1 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:42 | SR:-- | Yellow 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 1 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:42 | SR:-- | Magenta 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 1 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:42 | SR:-- | Cyan 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 1 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:42 | SR:-- | Black #