Page 4 - August 2017
P. 4

Lending Act and the Real Estate Settlement         CFPB Proposes Amendments to
               Procedures Act (TILA-RESPA) that are implemented   Regulation C Threshold.
               in Regulation Z. The final rule is now published in
               the Federal Register. This rule memorializes CFPB’s
               informal guidance and makes additional clarifications   CFPB has issued proposed amendments to
               and technical amendments on various issues         Regulation C that would, for a period of two years,
               including affiliate charges, calculating cash-to-close   increase the threshold for collecting and reporting
               table, construction loan instructions, placement of   data with respect to open-end lines of credit so that
               decimal places and rounding, escrow account        financial institutions originating fewer than 500
               disclosures, escrow cancellation notices, expiration   open-end lines of credit in either of the preceding two
               dates for the closing costs disclosed on the loan   years would not be required to begin collecting such
               estimate, treatment of gift funds, payment ranges on   data until 01/01/2020. Comments are due
               the projected payments table and informational     07/31/2017. The proposed amendments may be
               updates to the loan estimate. This rule also creates   viewed at:
               tolerances for the total of payments, adjusts a partial   07-20/pdf/2017-15220.pdf. Federal Register, Vol.
               exemption mainly affecting housing finance agencies   82, No. 138, 07/20/2017, 33455-33465.
               and nonprofits, extends coverage of the TILA-      CFPB Releases Prototypes of New
               RESPA integrated disclosure requirements to all    Overdraft Opt-In Model Form.
               cooperative units, and provides guidance on sharing
               the integrated disclosures with various parties    CFPB has released prototypes of new designs for the
               involved in the mortgage origination process. The   overdraft opt-in model form. CFPB is testing updates
               final rule is effective 10/10/2017. Mandatory      and improvements to this model form to make it
               compliance is effective 10/01/2018. The final rule   easier to use and understand. Comments may be
               may be viewed at:                                  directed to No
               deadline has been specified. The notice may be
               11/pdf/2017-15764.pdf. Federal Register, Vol. 82,   viewed at:
               No. 154, 08/11/2017, 37656-37793.                  us/blog/know-you-owe-we-are-designing-new-
               CFPB Publishes in Federal Register
               Proposed Amendments to TILA-RESPA                  CFPB Issues Notice Extending Comment
               Integrated Disclosure Rule.                        for Small Business Lending Market
               CFPB has issued a proposed rule to amend Federal
               mortgage disclosure requirements under the Truth in   CFPB issued a request for information regarding the
               Lending Act and the Real Estate Settlement         small business lending market on 05/15/2017, which
               Procedures Act (TILA-RESPA) that are implemented   had a comment period ending on 07/14/2017. In
               in Regulation Z. The proposed rule is now published   order to allow stakeholders the opportunity to provide
               in the Federal Register. The proposed amendments   more robust responses, CFPB has extended the
               relate to when a creditor may compare charges paid   comment due date to 09/14/2017. The notice may be
               by or imposed on the consumer to amounts disclosed   viewed at:
               on a Closing Disclosure, instead of a Loan Estimate,   07-12/pdf/2017-14599.pdf. Federal Register, Vol.
               to determine if an estimated closing cost was      82, No. 132, 07/12/2017, 32177-32178.
               disclosed in good faith. Specifically, the proposed
               amendments would permit creditors to do so
               regardless of when the Closing Disclosure is
               provided relative to consummation. The proposal is
               intended to address what is referred to as the “black
               hole” issue that exists under the current TILA-
               RESPA rule. Comments are due 10/10/2017. The
               proposed rule may be viewed at:
               11/pdf/2017-15763.pdf. Federal Register, Vol. 82,
               No. 154, 08/11/2017, 37794-37804.

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