Page 7 - August 2017
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may be required to be executed by the Receiver    terminated, to be effective no sooner than thirty
                   which FDIC-Corporate, in its sole discretion,     days after the date of the notice. If any person
                   deems necessary; including but not limited to     wishes to comment concerning the termination
                   releases, discharges, satisfactions, endorsements,   of the receivership, such comment must be made
                   assignments and deeds. Effective 07/01/2017,      in writing and sent within thirty days of the date
                   the Receivership Estate has been terminated, the   of the notice to: Federal Deposit Insurance
                   Receiver discharged, and the Receivership Estate   Corporation, Division of Resolutions and
                   has ceased to exist as a legal entity. The notice   Receiverships, Attention: Receivership
                   may be viewed at:                                 Oversight Department 32.1, 1601 Bryan Street,
                  Dallas, TX 75201. No comments concerning the
                   11/pdf/2017-14452.pdf. Federal Register, Vol.     termination of this receivership will be
                   82, No. 131, 07/11/2017, 31971-31972.             considered which are not sent within this
                                                                     timeframe. The notice may be viewed at:
               •   FDIC has issued a notice to announce it intends
                   to terminate the receivership of Peoples First    24/pdf/2017-15439.pdf. Federal Register, Vol.
                   Community Bank, Panama City, Florida. FDIC        82, No. 140, 07/24/2017, 34310.
                   was appointed receiver of Peoples First
                   Community Bank on 12/18/2009. The              •   FDIC has issued a notice to announce it intends
                   liquidation of the receivership assets has been   to terminate the receivership of Riverview
                   completed. To the extent permitted by available   Community Bank, Otsego, Minnesota. FDIC
                   funds and in accordance with law, the Receiver    was appointed receiver of Riverview Community
                   will be making a final dividend payment to        Bank on 10/23/2009. The liquidation of the
                   proven creditors. The Receiver has determined     receivership assets has been completed. To the
                   that the continued existence of the receivership   extent permitted by available funds and in
                   will serve no useful purpose. Consequently,       accordance with law, the Receiver will be
                   notice is given that the receivership shall be    making a final dividend payment to proven
                   terminated, to be effective no sooner than thirty   creditors. The Receiver has determined that the
                   days after the date of the notice. If any person   continued existence of the receivership will serve
                   wishes to comment concerning the termination      no useful purpose. Consequently, notice is given
                   of the receivership, such comment must be made    that the receivership shall be terminated, to be
                   in writing and sent within thirty days of the date   effective no sooner than thirty days after the date
                   of the notice to: Federal Deposit Insurance       of the notice. If any person wishes to comment
                   Corporation, Division of Resolutions and          concerning the termination of the receivership,
                   Receiverships, Attention: Receivership            such comment must be made in writing and sent
                   Oversight Department 32.1, 1601 Bryan Street,     within thirty days of the date of the notice to:
                   Dallas, TX 75201. No comments concerning the      Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, Division
                   termination of this receivership will be          of Resolutions and Receiverships, Attention:
                   considered which are not sent within this         Receivership Oversight Department 32.1, 1601
                   timeframe. The notice may be viewed at:           Bryan Street, Dallas, TX 75201. No comments
                  concerning the termination of this receivership
                   19/pdf/2017-15118.pdf. Federal Register, Vol.     will be considered which are not sent within this
                   82, No. 137, 07/19/2017, 33125.                   timeframe. The notice may be viewed at:
               •   FDIC has issued a notice to announce it intends   24/pdf/2017-15439.pdf. Federal Register, Vol.
                   to terminate the receivership of Commerce Bank    82, No. 140, 07/24/2017, 34310.
                   of Southwest Florida, Fort Meyers, Florida.
                   FDIC was appointed receiver of Commerce        •   FDIC has issued a notice to announce it intends
                   Bank of Southwest Florida on 11/20/2009. The      to terminate the receivership of Jennings State
                   liquidation of the receivership assets has been   Bank, Spring Grove, Minnesota. FDIC was
                   completed. To the extent permitted by available   appointed receiver of Jennings State Bank on
                   funds and in accordance with law, the Receiver    10/02/2009. The liquidation of the receivership
                   will be making a final dividend payment to        assets has been completed. To the extent
                   proven creditors. The Receiver has determined     permitted by available funds and in accordance
                   that the continued existence of the receivership   with law, the Receiver will be making a final
                   will serve no useful purpose. Consequently,       dividend payment to proven creditors. The
                   notice is given that the receivership shall be    Receiver has determined that the continued

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