Page 6 - August 2017
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process; and includes certain other changes, including FDIC Requests Comment on Information
changes that provide additional time for certain IDIs Collections.
in a troubled condition to comply with the
regulations. The rule is effective 10/01/2017. The • FDIC has issued a notice to announce it seeks
final rule may be viewed at: comment on the information collection titled Application for Waiver of Prohibition on
31/pdf/2017-15488.pdf. Federal Register, Vol. 82, Acceptance of Brokered Deposits. FDIC is also
No. 145, 07/31/2017, 35584-35618. giving notice that it has sent the collection to
OMB for review. Comments are due 08/25/2017.
FDIC Announces Revised Guidelines for The notice may be viewed at:
Appeals of Material Supervisory
Determinations. 26/pdf/2017-15617.pdf. Federal Register, Vol.
82, No. 142, 07/26/2017, 34668-34671.
FDIC has announced the adoption of revised
Guidelines for Appeals of Material Supervisory • FDIC has issued a notice to announce it seeks
Determinations to provide institutions with broader comment on the information collection titled
avenues of redress with respect to material Community Reinvestment Act. FDIC is also
supervisory determinations and enhance consistency giving notice that it has sent the collection to
with the appeals process of the other Federal banking OMB for review. Comments are due 08/28/2017.
agencies. The revisions to the guidelines permit the The notice may be viewed at:
appeal of the level of compliance with an existing
formal enforcement action, the decision to initiate an 27/pdf/2017-15711.pdf. Federal Register, Vol.
informal enforcement action, and matters requiring 82, No. 143, 07/27/2017, 34946-34949.
board attention; provide that a formal enforcement-
related action or decision does not affect an appeal • FDIC has issued a notice to announce it seeks
that is pending under the guidelines; make additional comment on the information collection titled
opportunities for appeal available under the Affiliate Marketing Consumer Opt-Out Notices.
guidelines in certain circumstances; provide for the FDIC is also giving notice that it has sent the
publication of annual reports on Division Directors’ collection to OMB for review. Comments are
decisions with respect to material supervisory due 08/28/2017. The notice may be viewed at:
determinations; and make other limited technical and
conforming amendments. The revised guidelines are 27/pdf/2017-15711.pdf. Federal Register, Vol.
effective 07/18/2017. The notice may be viewed at: 82, No. 143, 07/27/2017, 34946-34949.
25/pdf/2017-15466.pdf. Federal Register, Vol. 82, • FDIC has issued a notice to announce it seeks
No. 141, 7/25/2017, 34522-34529. comment on the information collection titled
Retail Foreign Exchange Transactions. FDIC is
FDIC Renews Charter of Advisory also giving notice that it has sent the collection
Committee on Community Banking. to OMB for review. Comments are due
08/28/2017. The notice may be viewed at:
FDIC has issued a notice to announce the renewal of
the charter of the FDIC Advisory Committee on 27/pdf/2017-15711.pdf. Federal Register, Vol.
Community Banking. The structure and 82, No. 143, 07/27/2017, 34946-34949.
responsibilities of the committee will remain
unchanged from when it was originally established in FDIC Issues Notices of Termination.
July 2009, and continue to operate in accordance with
the provisions of the Federal Advisory Committee • FDIC has issued a notice to announce it has been
Act. The notice may be viewed at: authorized to take all actions necessary to terminate the receivership estate of Marco
01/pdf/2017-16137.pdf. Federal Register, Vol. 82, Community Bank, Marco Island, Florida
No. 146, 08/01/2017, 35781. (Receivership Estate). The Receiver has made all
dividend distributions required by law. The
Receiver has further irrevocably authorized and
appointed FDIC-Corporate as its attorney-in-fact
to execute and file any and all documents that