Page 5 - August 2017
P. 5

CFPB Issues Compliance Bulletin                    directors for bank holding companies, savings and
               Regarding Phone Pay Fees.                          loan holding companies, state member banks, U.S.
                                                                  branches and agencies of foreign banking
               CFPB has issued Compliance Bulletin 2017-01 to     organizations, and systemically important nonbank
               provide guidance to covered persons and service    financial companies designated by the Financial
               providers regarding fee assessments for pay-by-    Stability Oversight Council for supervision by FRB.
               phone services and the potential for violations of   For the largest of the applicable financial companies,
               sections 1031 and 1036 of the Dodd-Frank Act’s     the proposal would establish principals regarding
               prohibition on engaging in unfair, deceptive, or   effective boards of directors focused on the
               abusive acts or practices when assessing phone pay   performance of a board’s core responsibilities. The
               fees. The notice may be viewed at:                 proposal would also better distinguish between the
               roles and responsibilities of an institution’s board of
               02/pdf/2017-16188.pdf. Federal Register, Vol. 82,   directors and those of senior management. For
               No. 147, 08/02/2017, 35936-35938.                  domestic bank and savings and loan holding
                                                                  companies, the proposal would eliminate or revise
               CFPB Requests Comment on Information               supervisory expectations contained in certain existing
                                                                  FRB Supervision and Regulation Letters. Comments
               Collections.                                       are due 10/10/2017. The proposed guidance may be
                                                                  viewed at:
               •   CFPB has issued a notice to announce it seeks   08-09/pdf/2017-16735.pdf. Federal Register, Vol.
                   comment on the information collection titled Fair   82, No. 152, 08/09/2017, 37219-37227.
                   Credit Reporting Act. CFPB is also giving notice
                   that it has sent the collection to OMB for review.   FRB Requests Comment on Information
                   Comments are due 08/16/2017. The notice may
                   be viewed at:                                  Collection.
                   17/pdf/2017-14907.pdf. Federal Register, Vol.   FRB has issued a notice to announce it seeks
                   82, No. 135, 07/17/2017, 32686-32687.          comment on the information collection titled
               •   CFPB has issued a notice to announce it seeks   Application for Employment with the Board of
                   comment on the information collection titled   Governors of the Federal Reserve System. FRB is
                   Generic Collection Plan for Consumer           also giving notice that it has sent the collection to
                   Complaint and Information Collection System.   OMB for review. Comments are due 09/26/2017. The
                   CFPB is also giving notice that it has sent the   notice may be viewed at:
                   collection to OMB for review. Comments are
                   due 09/18/2017. The notice may be viewed at:   28/pdf/2017-15875.pdf. Federal Register, Vol. 82,
               No. 144, 07/28/2017, 35202-35203.
                   19/pdf/2017-15105.pdf. Federal Register, Vol.
                   82, No. 137, 07/19/2017, 33071-33072.          FDIC Issues Final Rule on Recordkeeping
                                                                  Requirements for Qualified Financial
               •   CFPB has issued a notice to announce it seeks   Contracts.
                   comment on the information collection titled
                   CFPB’s Consumer Response Intake Form. CFPB     The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) is
                   is also giving notice that it has sent the collection   amending its regulations regarding Recordkeeping
                   to OMB for review. Comments are due            Requirements for Qualified Financial Contracts
                   09/18/2017. The notice may be viewed at:       which require insured depository institutions (IDIs)
               in a troubled condition to keep records relating to
                   19/pdf/2017-15110.pdf. Federal Register, Vol.   qualified financial contracts (QFCs) to which they are
                   82, No. 137, 07/19/2017, 33070-33071.          party. The final rule harmonizes the
                                                                  recordkeeping requirements for large IDIs and IDIs
               FRB Proposes Guidance on Supervisory               that are consolidated affiliates of financial
               Expectation for Boards of Directors.               companies. Additionally, for other IDIs, the final rule
                                                                  adds and deletes a limited number of data
               The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve      requirements and makes certain formatting changes
               System (FRB) has issued proposed guidance          with respect to the QFC recordkeeping requirements;
               addressing supervisory expectations for the boards of   requires full scope entities to keep QFC records of
                                                                  certain of their subsidiaries; provides an exemption

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