Page 28 - Year Book 2018_New
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fine arts education — including AWA (Saath- Saath) is a term
music, theater, drawing, which stands for inclusion. The
A painting, or sculpture has been SSAWA department consists of a
an important part of well-rounded team of Specialists /Professionals like
curriculum of Springdales School, Psychologists /Special educators who
Dubai. No function or event is complete assist in assessing the Personal/Social
without a musical touch to it, be it /Emotional learning needs of children
Investiture Ceremony, Prize Day, Taste at the time of admission.
of India or International Day Parade.
The key for a child’s holistic development
Creative and Performing arts provides is through triangular support involving
an avenue for self-discovery. Through parents, teachers and specialists. We
music and dance, students develop endeavor to empower our teachers
spatial awareness, become more graceful and parents by offering them effective
and respect others sharing their space. strategies required to handhold and
hone the academic and social skills of our children.
Humans are naturally creative, musical and artistic as children, we use
our voice and other instruments to express feelings. This also serves In the year 2016-17, the team conducted various workshops for teachers
important learning functions like teaching us pattern, pulse, rhyme and on awareness and identification of children with special educational needs
structure, without the complication of language. In addition they teach us (e.g. Able Gifted and Talented , Down Syndrome, learning Disability, Autism,
the way humans bond and express emotion; they give us pleasure and foster Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder ) , using SNAP and CAT4 analysis.
imagination and story-telling. The teachers have immensely benefitted from these workshops as they are
equipped to employ these strategies for conducting differentiation practices
Singing has many surprising benefits for children. The meaning of music or in regular classroom teaching. Further, a training on child protection
dance is not dependent on language. Our first response to music is through procedures and policies was organized for the whole school staff including
the movement of the body. Young children become totally absorbed in the Bus Drivers and Bus Attendants to promote a safe environment for the
the physical sensation of movement. Singing together not only improves children at all times.
children’s behaviour, it also helps them bond – irrespective of the song or
language. They can freely express their feelings of joy or excitement. The SAWA team has also been active in conducting similar workshops for
parents and students too. The main highlight of the parents’ workshop this
By communicating freely with their voice, face, and body, children learn year was “Parenting in the Digital Age” which offered varied strategies to
to express ideas with confidence, empathize with others from different the parents to effectively handle challenges like internet addiction and
cultures and backgrounds, and feel at home in their own skin. Song, music cyber bullying.
and dance can help children become more imaginative, self-aware and
collaborative global citizens. Regular talk sessions organized for students on different strategies
for learning equips them to be better prepared and handle issues like
distractions, teen infatuations, bullying and abuse. In addition, the children
Mr. Alok Kumar Sharma were also exposed to different career options through career talks, career
Head of Creative & Performing Arts counselling and campus visits to assist them in making right choices in the
near future.
‘The Reading Partners Program’ is the latest venture introduced by the
SAWA department to enhance communication and comprehension skills
of the children with special learning needs. It involves active participation
of parent volunteers who are invited to the school to spend a few hours
reading out to our children.
Working alongside so many members of our community has given us, the
members of the SAWA center, a feeling of confidence and immense joy to
guide the lives of the most special members of our society- OUR CHILDREN.
Ms. Taruna Khattar
SAWA Leader