Page 30 - Year Book 2018_New
P. 30

nowledge is gained with the                                            “ The important thing is
                                                     understanding of the concept.                                          to not stop questioning.
                                              KScience          teaching    intended
                                              to give complete knowledge of the                                             Curiosity has its own
                                              subject  along  with  systematic  study                                       reason for existence.”
                                              of the experiments and formulae’s.
                                              Activities helped to recapitulate the                                               he   above    saying   by
                                              learnt concepts. Greater participation                                              Albert Einstein has been
                                              of students in studying the subject                                           Tthe guiding star for my
                                              based on interesting and relevant tools                                       Department. The vision of the
                                              and techniques was realized. Learners                                         department has been to help
                                              were encouraged to reflect on their own                                       students grow up to be thinkers.
                                              learning and to pursue imaginative                                            Putting students in situations
                                              activities and questions.                                                     during  lessons  so that  their
                                                                                                                            curiosity is kindled and they ask
                                                                                           as many questions as possible.
            Science teaching is a complex activity that lies at the heart of the vision of
            science education. The teaching standards has provided criteria for making
            judgments about progress towards the Springdale school vision ; they
            describe what teachers of science at all grade levels should understand and    Science is about learning by doing. We in the department across all
                                                                                           grades in the primary tried to give opportunities to do science, and
                                                                                           not just learn facts, where ever possible.
            be able to do the task.
                                                                                           Touching,  feeling  and observing plants  when  we  learned  about
            Ms. Susha Arun                                                                 plants, investigating materials hands on while we categorized them
            Subject Leader - Science (Secondary)                                           as plastic, cloth or metals, measuring our own shadows, removing
                                                                                           impurities from water, muffling sound or making electrical circuits,
                                                                                           the  list  was  endless.  Our  students  enjoyed  being  detectives,
                                                      रत की गौरवमयी विरासतों में से हिंदी   explorers’, investigators and little scientists.
                                                      भाषा  एक  अनमोल  खज़ाना  है।  पूरे
                                              भाविश्व  को  ऊर्जस्वित  संभाषण  से           The creative and enthusiastic team of teachers who led the lessons
                                              चकित कर देने वाले स्वामी विवेकानंद से लेकर   enjoyed the journey as much as our students. I humbly thank the co-
                                              डा. ए.पी.जे. अब्दुल कलाम तक की चेतना हिंदी   operation of my team of teachers and the ever so energetic students.
                                              के अध्ययन  से प्राप्त होगी । यह तो हुआ
                                              हिंदी के गौरव का बखान ! हिंदी, स्प्रिंगडेल्स
                                              के  नौनिहालों  की  आत्मा  में  वास  करती  है।   Ms. Sheerin Ahmed
                                              व्यंजनों से संबंधित चित्रों से लेकर शब्दों के   Subject Leader - Science (Primary)
                                              उच्चस्तरीय वाक्य प्रयोग,  कॉमिक स्ट्रिप,
                                              समाचार पत्र बनाना, अपने सपनों  के घर का
                                              उल्लेख करना , शुद्ध शब्दों का प्रयोग करते
                                              हुए अपनी  संस्कृति के बारे में बताना या फिर
                                              अपने प्रिय किरदार के बारे में दिल को छू जाने
                                              वाले शब्दों का प्रयोग करते हुए बोलना , यह
            विशेषता है स्प्रिंगडेल्स के बालकों की ।इन प्यारे बच्चों के नाम कुछ पंक्तियाँ :

            खिले चेहरे, मुस्काते गाल,
            लेकर आते हैं ये अनोखे बाल।
            हिंदी पढ़ते हँसते -हँसते ,
            जी में जोश और अति उत्साह।
            रश्मि  खन्ना
            विषय समन्वयक
            हिंदी विभाग
            प्राइमरी विंग
                                               Ms. Rashmi Khanna
            स्प्रिंगडेल्स स्कूल , दुबई
                                                  Subject Leader - Hindi (Primary)

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