Page 32 - Year Book 2018_New
P. 32
What have i learnt
From my student
It has been a learning process. Each day leaves me with a sense of ist. The reason that being special is important because it opens us to
amazement, pride, and most of the times speechless. I’m writing a world of acceptance. Acceptance of differences.
this wondering if my words would ever justify how much I take back Each day a child with special needs tries hard to fit in, sometimes
from minds greater than mine. academically and sometimes socially. Through all this I watch them
being consistent and working hard to just do better. It also teaches
My first year of teaching brings back the most important lessons - me the value of patience and encouragement and most important
happiness is not about the knowledge you attain, the success you the value of life. It brings hope each day that anything that has life
receive. Happiness is found in the smaller things that we have in life. continues to bloom in ways our human minds can’t imagine.
And we all inherit it but we realize only when we see children mak-
ing the most of what they have. Minimum eye contact, completely
engaged with sequencing of letters and there I was trying to teach
him. Wondering how would I even get him to sit there, was he listen-
ing to me? Did he know I was around, were some of the thoughts that
raced in my mind…I began to listen to him.
At times, I would just sit beside him to know what was it that kept
him so engaged. Through his rhymes, I picked clues so we had a com-
mon link to talk about. We finally clicked! We could read words now.
Learning was filled with laughter, intonation and fun. I didn’t know
who waited eagerly for class to begin. “Ms. Mishelf”, when I hear that
I immediately look up with a smile on my face.
A familiar voice, a familiar name and an innate connection. I know of
a world that’s so beautiful because all it takes is to be you. Can I ever
be a part of it? I don’t think so. We as adults move out to do things
larger than life sometimes. We run the race so often, forgetting to sit
and just be in the moment. I think this is one thing I cherish about
my students. They are not confined with the world that we live in.
More like enacting our life’s. It takes me back to my childhood where
just being happy is all that mattered.
Special education is a reflection upon the world we live in. It makes Ms. Michelle Fernandes
me believe that kindness, honesty, patience and compassion still ex- SEN Cordinator