Page 35 - Year Book 2018_New
P. 35

tion institutions are comprised of teachers from different communities and
                  cultures, community service becomes the ideal forum within which they can
                  intimately interact with issues that affect other communities. Hence, commu-
                  nity service becomes a service and an education tool that enhances aware-
                  ness of social issues that influence the abilities of communities to attain social,
                  economic and political development.

                  Community service in school has the outcome of benefiting both the communi-
                  ty and students. Educators assert these through ensuring that students gain
                  knowledge, experience and skills that are needed in the job market (Jacob et
                  al., 2015). In addition, their involvement in community services makes them
                  ideal candidates for jobs that require individual in social work and other fields
                  that need people with such skills. Meanwhile, communities gain by accessing
                  services that could not be delivered adequately by the relevant agencies or or-
                  ganizations as a result of resource limitations including financial constraints
                  and lack of manpower to deliver the needed services.

                  The integration social work should be a core aspect of institutional objectives
                  as part of their social responsibility programs. These serve the educators ob-
                  jectives since they enhance the students’ understanding of the issues that im-        Ms. Farhana Nadeem
                  pact surrounding communities and the actions they can take to solve such
                  issues.                                                                               Special Educator

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