Page 34 - Year Book 2018_New
P. 34

Community Services

                  Community service in schools has numerous implications to both  derive synergetic benefits from society through the development of
                  the community and individuals who participate in the delivery of  new approaches of teaching students, performing research and ac-
                  services to diverse communities. The integration of community ser-  quiring critical methods of accessing practical environment within
                  vices in schools ensures that such institutions make the needed con-  which students can practice what they have learned.
                  tributions to society through influencing the much needed change  Considering that schools are integral parts of the community, the
                  and enhancement of educational curriculum (Jacob et al., 2015). In  development of comprehensive social service programs is vital in
                  addition to delivering much needed service to the needy in the com-  the creation of a link between the higher education institution and
                  munity, participation in community-based programs has the impact  the community.
                  of improving the educator’s ability to develop and implement cours-
                  es that enhance the realization of education outcomes.              The enforcement of community service as part of school curricula
                                                                                     ensures teachers and educators prepare their students to be aware
                  Community services in schools contributes towards enhancing  of social issues that affect communities, to interact and deal with
                  skills and experiences among participating educators that may be  such  issues  once  they  graduate.  In  addition  to  being  educational,
                  critical towards informing research and development of updated  community service delivers a much needs service considering that
                  course material related to social work. Hence, educators are able to  social organizations may be underhanded in terms of manpower and
                  identify and align  with social work programs that aid their students  capacity to service certain social issues (Jacob et al., 2015). The so-
                  acquire job-related skills while making significant contributions to  cial service programs in schools enhance the creation of awareness
                  communities (Jacob et al., 2015). Meanwhile, education institutions  of issues that impact diverse communities. Considering that educa-

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