Page 31 - Year Book 2018_New
P. 31

he goal of the English                         Why teach / learn Math?
                                                  Department  is  to  develop
                                            Tin students the prime                                                          ften questioned, but it is
                                            communication       skills    of                                                next to impossible to live
                                            listening,  speaking,   writing                                           Olife independently without
                                            and reading for a wide range of                                           basic   math    skills.  Today’s
                                            purposes,  keeping  in  mind the                                          students will live and work in
                                            relevance of the discipline of                                            the  twenty-first  century,  in  an
                                            study in everyday contexts. We                                            era dominated by computers, by
                                            aim to foster critical thinking,                                          world-wide communication, and
                                            creativity and  communication                                             by a global economy. Students
                                            skills. Special focus on enhancing                                        must recognize the varied roles
                                            the writing skills of the students                                        played by mathematics in life
                                            through creating awareness of                                             on the whole.We at Springdales
                                            structural and language features
           of the text types is a new approach adopted successfully by the                                            are grooming our students for
                                                                                                                      tomorrow’s world.
                                                                                     Math teaches logic and order. The discipline of mind that children
           Student learning is supported by the use of various resources such        develop in math classes can be carried over into everyday life. Math
           as dictionaries, thesaurus and online resources which not only            provides a vehicle through which critical-thinking skills are put
           enhance  learning  but  also generate  interest  among  the students.     into practice and refined. Students are groomed to explain how they
           Different learning tasks such as debates, presentations, class            arrived at a solution to a complex problem or to describe the ideas
           discussions, role plays and designing posters help cater to varying       behind a formula or procedure, analyze situations and link with real
           learning styles and interests.
                                                                                     life experiences. Springdalians learn transferable problem solving
                                                                                     skills. To inculcate this, we teach mathematics in such a way as to
           To generate interest in reading, the Department regularly organizes       promote the likelihood that students will be able to transfer what
           activities such as D.E.A.R. time and Read for Pleasure and Review         they learn to other areas. Cross-disciplinary study would be the
           for Reward.  The Department also organized the Literacy Week to           norm, rather than the exception.
           encourage involvement in the study of the  English language. The
           Department is dedicated to continue its journey of helping develop        Good mathematics is not about how many answers you know, but
           children’s knowledge, skills and understanding in English, and to         how you behave when you don’t know!
           make learning of English fun and exciting.

           Ms. Sangeetha Sreedharan                                                  Ms. Sangeeta Chopra
           Subject Leader - English (Primary)                                        Subject Leader - Mathematics (Primary)

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