Page 49 - Highlights 2020 FINAL
P. 49
A Turtle Named Greg
There once was a turtle named Greg.
He had no food so he started to beg.
He spotted his friend, Tony the crab.
“Can you spare me some food? Being hungry is drab!”
Tony replied “Sorry I can’t. I have to pick up my step,”
“I have a basketball game at Holy Shell Prep”
Greg was left all alone
He didn’t even have a phone
He was about to cry,
Until he saw with his eye
His friend, Rob the Shark!
Who happened to be at the park.
“Oh Sharkie! Will you give me some food,
Because right now I’m in a terrible mood.”
Rob thought and he pondered,
But he had nothing to squander.
Rob left Greg in the dust
And Greg had to find food, he must!
Greg started doing cartwheels and flips
But no one even gave him a tip.
Then Senor the eel came his way
Which caused Greg to scream, “Go away!”
Greg realized his awful wish
When he realized the eel had some fish.
-Keely Gallagher ‘21
Highlights 2020 Jewel of the Sea 49