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flourish in this area despite the desert like conditions and the lack of rainfall. The remains here offer
interesting compositions waiting to be photographed. Inch Beach, Ireland
There are other interesting
opportunities to photograph in By Helen Hanafin EFIAP/p FIPF
Dholavira, including an imposing
citadel at the centre of the site
Ireland is a small country on the western edge of Europe, but one which is rich in great natural
and a large stadium with a landscapes and coastal scenes.
complex structure and seating
arrangement. Artefacts found here I was born and grew up about 3km from Inch Beach on the Dingle Peninsula and I still have
include terracotta pottery, beads, family living there which means that I visit very regularly. To me Inch Beach brings back so many
gold and copper ornaments, memories of my childhood and has helped me to grow my love for photography through my many
seals, fishhooks, animal figurines, visits to capture its marvellous vistas.
tools, urns and most importantly Inch Beach is on a spit of
seals of identical shapes (perfect sand which juts out from the
squares) and sizes. All the seals southern side of the Dingle
have pictures of animals written Peninsula into Castlemaine
in a pictographic script with some Harbour. It is backed by an
seals containing mathematical Way to Stadium extensive system of low sand
dunes and is a very popular
images that were likely used for spot for locals and visitors who
educational purposes. Also found can spend hours there walking
here are some imported vessels and enjoying the sea and the
that indicate that trade was surf, weather permitting; it is
conducted with other civilisations. Ireland and we can have four
There is an Archaeological seasons in one hour, let alone
Museum situated near the site one day.
where one can find quite a few For those who are visiting
prominent collections of Harappa- there are places nearby in Inch
era antiquities and seals. village for dining and also in
Annascaul which is a 10 min- Inch Storm
Women folk of this region ute drive. Annascaul is famed
wear vibrant coloured clothes for the South Pole Inn, home to Tom Creen who travelled with Ernest Shackleton on his ill-fated trip
and jewellery. Several festivals are to Antarctica. However, the best option for accommodation and dining is Dingle town about 20
celebrated specially in the winter minutes further west on the peninsula. There are a large variety of options there.
months providing photographer’s I cannot recommend enough a visit to Inch Beach and the Dingle Peninsula for anyone who
Articles Fort Wall colourful shots. The best time is interested in landscape photography and, for those who are interested in mountaineering, Inch Recommendations
with a great opportunity for
Beach faces onto Ireland’s highest peak, Carrauntoohil, which is just outside Killarney town, a 30
to visit all these sites is between
minute drive away.
November and February when
the weather is comparatively
cooler and pleasant, and the
light is perfect for photography.
The opportunities in the area
include landscape photography
and night sky photography in all
its glory as Dholavira is otherwise
a sleepy village in a remote area
with very little population.
Heaven on Earth
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