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RECOMMENDATIONS                                                   RECOMMENDATIONS

 Canton, Ohio, the Home of the American    Brighton Beach Boxes, Melbourne, Australia

 Pro Football Hall of Fame, USA                                   By Bronwen Casey EFIAP/p ESFIAP

 By Lisa Marie Cirincione, AFIAP, QPSA
         The Brighton Beach Boxes are an iconic and historic feature of Melbourne located on the
     Dendy St Beach in Brighton. There are currently 82 of these colourful boxes, which are typically
 If you are a fan of American Football, then Canton, Ohio is your Mecca. The birthplace of the   painted in bright colours with some featuring artistic pictures and designs on their facades. The
 National Football League (NFL) and the home of the Pro Football Hall of Fame, Canton is visited   Victorian architecture, the size and proportions are kept uniform as is the building materials which
 year-round by football fans of all ages. Officially opened in 1963, it has grown by leaps and bounds   are timber framing, weatherboards and a corrugated iron roof.
 since then. Each August, the Pro Football Enshrinement kicks off the NFL season celebrating new
 inductees to the Hall of Fame, with a Festival Balloon Classic, the first preseason football game of the   Bathing boxes are known to have been present at this location since around the mid 1800’s and
 season and a ceremony inducting new members into the Hall of Fame.  many have been rebuilt over time due to deterioration. The local council have also added some at
     different points in time. Ownership is restricted to local families and you cannot go inside the boxes
 The Enshrinement Festival is a                                          but it is the outside that
 highlight during the weekend before                                     is photogenic.  They are
 the  game.  It  features  a  world-class                                heritage protected and
 hot-air Balloon Classic, attracting                                     have no services such as
 balloonists from all over the USA.                                      power or water.
 It spans a full weekend, and there
 are usually three morning flights                                           Whilst there are
 and fantastic fireworks.  Weather                                       multiple locations on the
 permitting, there are also two ‘night                                   Port Phillip Bay coastline
 glows’.  A  night glow is  when  the                                    that have groups of
 hot-air balloons are blown up and                                       bathing boxes, the ones
 lit from within. They are tethered to                                   in Brighton are the best
 the ground. It is a beautiful display                                   known  and easiest  to
 of the balloons all lit up. Over                                        reach.  They are around
 130,000 spectators are said to enjoy                                    30 mins drive from the
 the festival. It is located on the Kent                                 city of Melbourne on
 State Stark Campus. The Festival also                                   Beach Rd, however there
 Balloon Glow  includes a parade, a fun run and a   is very little parking in the carpark and there is a fee. Some of the local streets off Dendy St do
 photo contest.  have spots you can park for a short time. There is hotel and apartment accommodation on Beach
     Rd that is walking distance from this stretch of beach. Alternatively, you can catch a train on the
 Canton was also the home of the 25  U.S. President, William McKinley. His life and presidency   Sandringham train line. Get off at Brighton Beach Station (not Middle Brighton or North Brighton),
 are commemorated with the McKinley National Memorial and the William McKinley Presidential   cross over Beach Rd to the beach side and walk north back towards the city. The walk is less than
 Library and Museum.   a kilometre. Watch for the “postcard” view from the path of the beach boxes below with the city
 Recommendations  was  established in  the  1930s  and   glints off the side of the city skyscrapers.                Recommendations
     skyline in the background. This view is particularly pretty on the approach to sunset as the sun also
 The Canton Museum of Art
 focuses on 19  and 20  century
         The best time of day to take photos here is late afternoon and twilight as the beach boxes
 artworks, specifically  works  on
     face the setting sun.
 paper and ceramic arts. The city’s
     The location is popular
 art  district,  located  downtown,
 has a tremendous amount of
     wedding photos, so
 interesting outdoor sculptures and   with tourists and for
     avoid the weekends
 murals.  and  holiday  times.
 An American photographer   Visitor numbers drop
 and essayist, James H. Karales,   significantly after the
 (1930-2002) was from Canton.   sun sets. A wide-angle
 He  was  on  assignment  for  Look   lens  on  this  beach  is
 Magazine during the voting   good and having a
 rights march from Selma to   tripod and filters to
 Montgomery, Alabama, in March   NFL Draft sculpture downtown  slow the shutter speed
 1965. His single best-known image   can provide some  nice
 is the iconic photograph of the Selma to Montgomery march showing people proudly marching   effects with  the water
 along the highway under a cloudy turbulent sky.  and, if very slow (+10
     filter) you might reduce
 Canton is located on the edge of Ohio’s Amish Country. It is reachable from a few airports, 10   the number of people that register on the photo. For more information about this location, go to:
 miles from Akron-Canton (CAK); 60 miles from Cleveland-Hopkins International (CLE); 79 miles from
 Pittsburgh International (PIT); and 130 miles from Columbus International (CMH).

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