Page 108 - Libro 2
P. 108

RECOMMENDATIONS                                                                                                                                                          MEMORIES

                                     The World-Famous Golden Gate Bridge, USA                                                                    Exhibition of Photos from the

                                                                                          By Donna Hom, AFIAP, MPSA                          2022 FIAP Photomeeting in Oman

                             The Golden Gate Bridge was described in Frommer’s Travel Guide as “possibly the most
                         beautiful, certainly the most photographed, bridge in the world.” It is in San Francisco, California.   Photos are a wonderful way to remember
                         When the bridge was opened to the public in 1937, it was the longest and tallest suspension bridge   our experiences. For photographers, experiences
                         in the world. The two towers of the bridge are 746 feet in height, and street level is 500 feet above   such as the FIAP Photomeetings also provide
                         the water.                                                                                          photographic opportunities where we can create
                             There are various locations where you can take beautiful photos of the Golden Gate Bridge:      photos and share these and our memories of the
                         Hawk Hill, Golden Gate Overlook, Battery Spencer, Marshall’s Beach, Baker Beach, Chrissy Field, Fort   event with others.
                         Point, Kirby Cove, and the Presidio Tunnel Tops (a national park built on and around the Presidio       In 2023 Herbert Gmeiner,  Treasurer of FIAP,
                         Parkway tunnels) to name a few.                                                                     showed some photos taken during the FIAP
                                                                                                The best time to take        Photomeeting in Oman in a gallery in Feldkirch
                                                                                            photos of the Golden             and in Volksbank Vorarlberg in Götzis. This was an
                                                                                            Gate Bridge are the              opportunity for those not at the Photomeeting to
                                                                                            golden hours, blue hours,        see photos taken during this FIAP Event and also
                                                                                            and when the fog is about        a way for those who were at the Photomeeting to
                                                                                            550 feet above the water.        revisit their memories. Many photographers from
                                                                                            During the golden hours,         Switzerland and Austria came to the vernissage in
                                                                                            the soft light shines            2023. The main public exhibition will be in 2024 in
                                                                                            upon the bridge with the         Vienna at Kaffeebar Quentin“.
                                                                                            background of the San                The photos on the following page  are among
                                                                                            Francisco  skyline.  During      those exhibited by Herbert Gmeiner:
                                                                                            the blue hours, the city of
                                                                                            San Francisco is lit up as                                                                   Mrs. Daniele Langridge - Volksbank and
                                                                                            well as the lights on the                                                                      Herbert Gmeiner opening vernissage.
                                                                                            Golden Gate Bridge.                                                                                     Photo by Wolfgang Friedl

                                                                                                Photo opportunities
                                              Golden Gate Bridge from Hawk Hill             vary depending on the
                                                                                            location from which the
                         photo is taken. From Marshall’s beach, you may get the bridge reflection if it is low tide and the water
                         is relatively calm. A 500-step hike is required for this. If you are in the Presidio Tunnel Tops, you will
    Recommendations      the Blue Angels (U.S. Navy Flight Demonstration Squadron) fly through the Golden Gate Bridge, it is
                         get the car trails leading to the bridge. This would require approximately a two mile hike one way.
                         During the first weekend of October of each year, it is Fleet Week in the San Francisco Bay Area. When

                         another beautiful scene for the Golden Gate Bridge. Getting the sunrise and moonrise near the Golden
                         Gate Bridge is also an
                         interesting  scene.  From
                         Hawk Hill, you can do
                         both depending on the
                         months of the year. You                                                                              Guests at vernissage.
                                                                                                                              Photo by Wolfgang Friedl
                         can get the moonrise
                         near the bridge in July or
                         August, and the sunrise                                                                                                                                                                                            Memories
                         all year round with
                         weather permitting.

                             Golden Gate Bridge from
                                Presidio Tunnel Tops                                                                                   Visitors. Photo by Wolfgang Friedl

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