Page 12 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 12


                          From LCIF Chairperson Douglas X. Alexander

    Greetings, Lions and Leos!

     It is my pleasure each month to share stories of how Lions, empowered by LCIF, serve a world in need. This
    month, we highlight projects in Poland that are helping Ukraine refugees during ongoing war, and a project in
     Turkey aimed at enhancing the eye health of infants and children. Life-changing and life-saving projects like
      these take funding, and our global foundation proudly awards grants to enable Lions worldwide to serve in
            this capacity. This is only possible with the continued support of Lions and others – like YOU.

                 Thank you to everyone who has supported LCIF this year. I ask you to join me
       in adding to your support in 2022. Your end-of-year gift – like your service – matters. With 100% of
      donations benefitting grants and programs, every donation makes a difference. Don’t forget to share
      with your fellow Lions your reasons for supporting our global foundation by entering the Melvin Jones
         Photo Contest in recognition of our founder’s 144 birthday. And remember, giving is serving.
         LCIF GRANTS EMPOWER LIONS     For more info go to: View online          PLEDGE YOUR CONTINUED
         TO SUPPORT UKRAINIAN REFUGEES                                                 SUPPORT
         During the war in Ukraine, LCIF grants are                                     FOR LCIF
         ensuring that Lions can meet a broad spectrum  MAKING CHILDREN SMILE  Continue sustaining our mission and
         of refugee needs, including immediate survival  WITH THE POWER OF SIGHT  empower Lions to magnify hope
         needs, transitional needs for mid- and long-term  Read how Lions in Turkey recognized   globally. Encourage others to join you in
         settlement and support for services to help  that the ophthalmology clinic in their   pledging support for LCIF.  PLEDGE
         refugees integrate into their new communities.  community needed new equipment to   YOUR SUPPORT.
         WATCH THE VIDEO to see some of the life-  help determine the eye health of children
         saving projects in Poland.           and infants.  They turned to LCIF for help
                                              and made a difference in children’s eye
                                              care for the future.  READ MORE
                       LCIF GRANTS
                    SPOTLIGHT DIABETES
          Diabetes is a global epidemic and Lions are working to            THANK YOU, DONORS!
          reduce the prevalence of diabetes and improve the          Your continued support of LCIF inspires others
          lives of those living with diabetes.    LCIF grants        to give  and enables our global foundation to
          support and magnify their service , by increasing          award life-changing grants.  With 100% of
          access to diabetes care and education to communities       donations  benefitting grants and programs,
          worldwide.   LEARN MORE                                    every donation to LCIF brings hope to a world in
                                                                     need LEARN MORE
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