Page 7 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 7


                                                      ….where tree tops glisten and Lions listen……
                                                    GLT: FIRESIDE CHAT

                                        “Leave your footprints in the snow….where they’ll lead, we may never know.”


        This virtual seminar was presented on November 18, 2022 via zoom by Lion Shenelle Fabio-Guild, ESQ (New Lots Lions
        Club.)  She shared an overview of the Standard Constitution and By Laws provided by Lions International, the
        “Accessibility” and “How to Navigate the Constitution”. She explained that “The Constitution” establishes precedence on
        how an entity is to be governed (the operating principles for governing) and “By Laws” are specific on functions
        (specific rules on how things work).  She explained the distinction between “Shall” and “May” and stated that when
        “Shall” is used in a legal document, it means “Must” (mandatory, it is required).  However, when “May” is used, it means
        “Can” (optional, it is the discretion of the person making the decisions).

        Lion Shenelle provided an abridged version of a Standard Club Constitution (Articles 1-13). She indicated that there
        are seven (7) types of memberships and page 30 of the By Laws identifies each type. Additionally, she noted that a
        member is not in “good standing” if any fees are more than 30 days overdue. She clarified that the Club President
        shall be an ex-officio member of all committees and emphasized that every member should have access to the Clubs’
        Constitution and By Laws and recommended an online/electronic distribution.

        District Governor Ingrid Andrews-Campbell thanked Lion Shenelle for accepting the responsibility for this important
        tutorial and also thanked all Lions who participated. She encouraged clubs to review and update their Constitution and
        By Laws where applicable.

        Submitted by:
        Lion Yolande Cadore
        District 20-K1 E-News Reporter
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