Page 6 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 6
….where tree tops glisten and Lions listen……
“Leave your footprints in the snow….where they’ll lead, we may never know.”
This important exercise was presented by the GLT and facilitated by Upon arrival, the Governor should be escorted to the assigned seat
PDG Joyce Cochran, Protocol Chairperson. In her opening remarks, at the club President’s right side, at the head table. At the
she explained “Protocol means Good Manners and/or Etiquette, conclusion of the meeting, he/she should be escorted out to the
Proper Protocol establishes Order and Prevent Chaos.” vehicle.
She indicated that “Protocol” was developed and established under D. Hierarchy of Dignitaries
the Robert’s Rules of Order by General Henry Robert in 1876 and Starting with the highest Lion Officer in the room, the “Lions Order
is in its 12 Edition today. of Precedence” must be used (see District Directory for complete
This session focused on: listing) When presenting dignitaries, The Governor’s escort/partner-
in-service must also be introduced.
A. How Concerns are Addressed:
PDG Joyce confirmed that ALL concerns or club issues MUST be DG Ingrid Andrews-Campbell thanked the presenters and 130
addressed initially at the club level to the duly elected Board of virtual participants. The presentation will be available to all Lions
Directors. Pending a mutually satisfactory resolution, it is brought via the District YouTube.
to the District Level, to the attention of the District Governor. Most Submitted by,
cases of dispute are rectified at this level. Occasionally, the Lion Yolande Cadore,
District Governor may have to refer the matter to the Multiple Kings and Queens E-News Reporter
District and on the rare occasion, at the fourth level, Lions
International makes a final ruling.
These protocol steps are non-negotiable.
B. The Meeting Agenda:
Lion Michael Yansen, (Brooklyn Crown Heights) stated that the
“Agenda” is an important item in Protocol. He advised that a well
- prepared AGENDA helps the presiding officer and members to
stay organized, focused, on time and centered on the topic of
discussion. He explained in detail the FOUR W’s: WHO, WHAT, WHEN
and WHERE of the meeting’s Agenda.
C. The District Governor’s Official Visit
Lion Astrid Benjamin-Campbell (Brooklyn Metropolis Lions Club,)
emphasized the importance of confirming the date, time and
location for the District Governor’s scheduled visit. It is strongly
advised that members wear their dress uniform to show respect for
the office. The Club’s President should prepare by requesting the
DG’s biography, affirming whether he/she would be accompanied by
a guest and providing a typed copy of the Agenda that allocates
enough time for the Governor’s address and related questions.
No other guest/visitor should share the spotlight with the District
Governor during this visit.