Page 2 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 2


                   From the office of                                  From the pen of
                1 VDG Antonio Robles                                2 VDG Romeo Hitlall

    Greetings, my fellow Lions and Leos,
                                                            Dear Lions and Leos:
    My prayer is that the Holiday Season brings you joy,
    happiness and many blessings. May your hearts and homes  The “holiday spirit” is in the air ! Traditionally, as the year
    overflow with peace and love throughout all of the New  ends, we reflect and resolve to remove all negative aspects
    Year and beyond.  And may your clubs grow in            from our lives and to make new commitments about life and
    membership and service projects that make a positive    living in the New Year.
    difference in your community as you “lead today for a   As Lions, one such commitment should be to develop “new,
    better tomorrow”.                                       out-of-the-box “ways of serving in our communities and

    Reports indicate that your service during the first half of  making a more positive impact on the lives of all those with
    the Lionistic year made a significant difference in our  whom we interact.
    community and the world. I heartily congratulate you!   The year 2022 provided me with some of my most exciting

    Your participation in the Club SWOT Analysis Project    experiences as a Lion. My election to the office of 2 Vice
    ensured that your various voices were heard by the      District Governor has brought many different emotions. Most
    relevant community partners.  I thank you for your      of all, I am humbled and grateful for the enthusiastic support
    outstanding dedication and cooperation. As always you   of my fellow Lions. Every day, I am made more aware of the
    boosted up our district with standards of excellence. Our  awesome gravity of this important responsibility. I do not
    vision for the future is clearer as we move forward with  take it lightly. It pushes me to work harder to support DG
    DG Ingrid’s specific goals to revitalize, rejuvenate, and re-  Ingrid to achieve her goals and also fulfill the humanitarian
    motivate the clubs in our district.                     mission of Lions  International.  I thank you for the
                                                            opportunity to serve with you in this capacity.
    I wish you the best in your plans for future community
    service programs. I urge you to increase your efforts to  Stay safe and make special memories with family and friends!
    recruit quality members and provide opportunities for the  Happy Holidays to all !
    development of new strong leaders.                      “Leading Today for a Better Tomorrow”

    As we move into the second half of the Lionistic Year, let  Lion Romeo Hitlall, PMJF
    us sustain that upward momentum, remaining united in    2 Vice District Governor
    purpose.                                                District 20K-1
    Together we can. Together we will “Lead Today for a
    Better Tomorrow.” Stay safe as you enjoy the Christmas
    Yours in Lionism,
    1VDG Antonio Robles
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