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Serving Lions of District 20-K1 and MD-20 Volume X No. 3 Launched November 2013
Season’s Greetings
with Warmest Winter Wishes
that your days
May Be Merry and Bright
My Fellow Lions and Leos, I encourage you to donate to our Foundation and apply for the
We appreciate your hard work that helps us to achieve our LCIF Community Impact Grants to promote work in the areas of
district’s goals. Especially during this holiday season, we want to diabetes and the environment. As community leaders, we have a
express our deepest gratitude for every effort that contributes to powerful voice to stimulate awareness about social and
efficiency and seamless coordination among our 77 clubs across environmental concerns including climate change, cleaner air,
Brooklyn and Queens. You are the reason for our success and I healthy eating, reduction in the cost of insulin, and even access to
congratulate every Lion and Leo for your incredible dedication to healthy food choices in underserved communities. We can connect
making a positive difference with service in your various with our local elected representatives and advocate for fewer “fast-
communities. Thank you for establishing and reporting those food” places in disadvantaged neighborhoods. I encourage you to
innovative projects in diabetes and the environment. Thank you become a local spokesperson and champion the changing needs of
also, for sharing your stories on social media. our communities. Our community needs us now more than ever.
As another calendar year closes, my administrative team As you endeavor to make our district stronger, may your life be a
purposefully pauses to wish you a warm and happy holiday. May blessing to others. Your hard work makes us who we are. I hope
the festive season bring you hope, joy, peace and happiness. This your holidays will be full of joy, love, and peace. A joyous festive
is a perfect time to be with your friends and family. Membership season and a fun-filled holiday awaits you. Take time to celebrate.
is always a priority, so share the joy and benefits of being a May you and your families create happy memories that will last a
Lion. Invite someone to support you by participating in a service lifetime. May the light of this holiday season glow brightly, filling
project or becoming a member of the world’s largest service our hearts and homes with love that will “lead you today and
organization. Share that ‘We Serve’ locally and globally. Let them inspire you with hope for a better tomorrow”.
know how being a Lion has made a difference in the life of Happiest of holidays to you, and best wishes for a healthy and
those we serve and in your own life. A healthy membership is prosperous New Year.
the key to great success in our clubs and district.
Lion Ingrid Andrews-Campbell, PMJF
Service is what we do. So THINK BIG when we serve and keep District Governor,
our Lions engaged with new ideas. Upgrade your approach to old 2022-2023
projects or tackle new and sustainable programs that support our
Global Causes. LCIF empowers our service.