Page 23 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 23
Report from Lisa Brown, Chairperson
Greetings Lions of 20K1:
It has been my honor to serve as District Peace Poster
Chairperson for the 2022 - 2023 Lionistic year. 1 Place: Sophia Misla
Approximately 10 clubs purchased several kits to Age: 11
encourage youth in creative expression of this year's
theme “Leading with Compassion” Maspeth Lions Club
Awarded $100
Student entries were wide and varied demonstrating
different levels of artistic experience. At the 2 General
Meeting, held on November 15 , 2022, 14 pieces were
presented. PDGs and Lions who attended were asked to
identify best submissions based on originality, artistic merit
and adherence to theme.
2 Place: Jamie Galindo
The 3 winners of the Peace Posters Awards from PS 58 Age: 11
and the Maspeth Lions.
Maspeth Lions Club
Special thanks to our wonderfully supportive District Awarded $75
Governor, Ingrid Andrews-Campbell, all clubs who
participated and every young person who submitted pieces
for consideration. Special thanks goes to Peace Poster
Committee (Lion June Mapp, Brooklyn Rising Stars Lions
and Lion Yvonne Colon, Starrett City Lions) for unwavering
3 Place: Gisselle Montes
This is a CALL to EVERY CLUB to make connection to a Age: 11
Leos Club, local school or Community Center and
encourage even greater participation in the future. Maspeth Lions Club
Awarded $50
Please also note that any student who is within age range
and legally determined to be Visually Impaired can
participate in the Annual Peace Essay Competition.
Lion Lisa Brown (Peace Poster Chair) enjoys photo op
with Lion June Mapp (Committee member), Lions Ed
and Marie Bivona (Maspeth), Lion Yvonne Colon
(Committee Member) and a beaming DG Ingrid show
off winning poster