Page 26 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 26
Chairperson: Lion Sandra Watson-Ralph
“Helping Hands “Lean on me, when you’re strong, I’ll be your friend to help you carry on”
Touching You
Touching Me”
“A meaningful life is not being rich, being popular, being highly educated or being perfect. It’s about being
real, being humble, being able to share ourselves, and touchtone lives of others”.
The anguish in Carlos’ voice was palpable as he shared his disquiet.
He had paid $10,000 to get his sister and her two young daughters from Ecuador to the United States. After two years of
suspenseful waiting for immigration issues to be rectified, they arrived on November 26 to their new home in Corona. They
were freezing cold because of their tropical, light-weight clothing
“Where there’s a need, there’s a Lion! “
Lions Mildred Ramirez, Tanya and Vincent Laucella (Queens United) took them shopping and purchased a 10-day supply of
winter clothes and other necessary seasonal accessories. They were grateful and immediately warmed themselves in their new
winter coats. (see photo) Then they were registered and enrolled in the neighborhood public school.
“Carlos and his reunited family will be my personal guests at multiple Christmas events, starting with the various
Christmas tree lightings around the city.”, this family of humanitarians pledged. “Please inbox Lion Mildred if you are moved
to contribute new clothing or make a donation. And when you see them with me, extend a warm welcome!” she added.
Submitted by,
Lion Mildred Ramirez
Lion Tanya Laucella
Lion Vincent Laucella
Carlos and his family shopping with the Ramirez and Lucella family