Page 27 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 27
Chairperson: Lion Sandra Watson-Ralph
“Helping Hands “Lean on me, when you’re strong, I’ll be your friend to help you carry on”
Touching You
Touching Me” PRIDE OF 20-K1 LIONS SERVE:
Photos show Lions Gloria Rennie-Murray (Marine Park), Jerusha
Jacobs (Central Brooklyn) and Vinette Andersen (Metropolis)
who donated much needed school supplies to Mrs. Joana
Mensah, Principal of the Aggrey Road School, Community 2,
Tema, Ghana.
To further cultivate and support international relations, they
were assisted by Lions from the Tema Supreme Lions Club,
their Lion President, Mawuli Dzamefe, Lion Roger Klu,( Activity
Chairperson), Lion Percy Obakuma, (Past President), Lion
Wisdom Awittor, (Charter President ) and Leo Kafui Fugah, 20-K1's biggest project was at - Aggrey Road School
President of the Supreme Leo Club.
School supplies were also presented to Lion Nana Yaw
Agyemane, President of the Cape Coast Crystal Lions Club.
Photo shows Pastor Kumasi Frank Osei who was gifted with
toys and clothes for the children of the Emmanuel SDA School
in the Ashanti Regio.
As they travelled to Nzulezo (the village on stilts) they
distributed more school supplies, clothing, toys and cash for
the children of the village.
Clothes, toys and school supplies for the children at Village on Stilts
Submitted by,
Lion Gloria Rennie - Murray
Students at Emmanuel SDA School show off their new When Lions and students met at - Aggrey Road School
Reading for Pleasure story books