Page 226 - 1990 Wardlaw Hartridge
P. 226

 Booters Fall From Glory
It was a season of scraping together whatever was left of the power­ house team from tlie previous year. Tlie Rams looked good at the start but eventually fell through the ranks. The team was co-captained by All-Stater Andy Michel and goalie Craig Qilgallon. Andy again made first team all-.state whiie junior aggressor Todd Kaplan was chosen for second team. Qilgallon, Shawn Crockett, and Bill Callahan made honorable mention.
Andy Michel anchored the defense with Qilgallon at goal. The addi­ tion of Tom Lee gave added help to Crockett and Josh Dobbelaar at fullback. Switching on and off from midfield to the forward line were Callahan, Brian Bosonac, and Chris McCall. Junior Charles Maltman, sophomore Qautem Seghal, and freshmen Anthony Pratola and John Friedman rounded out the squad.
A major disappointment to the Rams happened before the season began. Jack Sharp, a returning hopefui, injured his knee while playing for a club team in the summer.
Qilgallon had this to say about the season: 'If there was one thing I could go back and change about this season, it would be to increase the seniors role of leadership. "
One of the main factors to the ten losses (all of which were shutouts) was a lack of experience and age. Says Callahan, "It was frustrating to not be able to get on the board lots of times. Its kind of hard when the forward line has four kids who've never started varsity before. The only reason was that we needed to fill the empty spaces left by last year's team."
Most Valuable: APIDY MICHEL
season note: The Rams fought to a 0-0 tie with 6th prep-ranked Hun. Returning hopefuls next year will be Todd Kaplan, Tom Lee, Chris McCall and Brian Bosonac

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